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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 112« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy H. , Special Agent, Secret Kellerman)

Mr. Specter.
assistant special agents in charge. Is that status the same at the present time, or are there now three assistant special agents in charge?
Mr. Kellerman.
There are three. Mr. Rufus Youngblood is the third one.
Mr. Specter.
Has that slight shift been made since the time of the assassination.
Mr. Kellerman.
That is correct.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Chief Justice, those are my only additional questions, sir.
The Chairman.
Mr. Craig, would you like to ask any questions, or do you think of any other avenue that we should explore here?
Mr. Craig.
No, sir; thank you, Mr. Chief Justice. As the interrogation has progressed, I have been handing notes to counsel and he has been very kind in asking those questions.
The Chairman.
Mr. Murray, can you think of anything?
Mr. Murray.
No, thank you, Mr. Chief Justice.
Mr. Smith.
Off the record.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Craig.
Mr. Kellerman, is there any special agent in charge of the protection of the person next in line in succession, to your knowledge?
Mr. Kellerman.
I think Mr. Rowley would like to man that. I think they have had a little difficulty to find a man.
Mr. Craig.
There is no such person now?
Mr. Kellerman.
No, they have made numerous attempts with the people, and so far they have got a negative reply.
The Chairman.
Well, Mr. Kellerman, thank you very much, sir, for your attendance and for your testimony.
Mr. Kellerman.
Thank you, sir.
(At this point, Representative Ford left the hearing room.)
The Chairman.
Now, Mr. Specter.
Mr. Specter.
We will call Mr. Greer.
The Chairman.
Mr. Greer, how do you, sir. Mr. Greer, will you raise your right hand and be sworn.
Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth before this Commission, so help you God?
Mr. Greer.
I do.
The Chairman.
Would you be seated, please.

William Robert Greer, Special Agent, Secret Service

Testimony of William Robert , Special Agent, Greer

Mr. Specter.
Would you state your full name for the record, please.
Mr. Greer.
William Robert Greer.
Mr. Specter.
By whom are you employed, Mr. Greer?
Mr. Greer.
The Treasury Department, Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department.
Mr. Specter.
How old are you at the present time?
Mr. Greer.
Fifty-four years old.
Mr. Specter.
How long have you been with the Secret Service Department?
Mr. Greer.
I have been with the Secret Service Department since October 1, 1945.
Mr. Specter.
What is your educational background?
Mr. Greer.
I have just education in public schools in Ireland, really.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Greer.
I took courses here in this country.
Mr. Specter.
Are you a high school graduate, then?
Mr. Greer.
Well, I have 2 years of high school.
Mr. Specter.
And when did you complete this educational background?
Mr. Greer.
I have to go back now.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Greer.
About 1924 or 1925.
Mr. Specter.
Would you outline in a general way what your activities have been since that time, up until your joining the Secret Service, please?
Mr. Greer.
Yes, sir. I was born and raised on farmwork, a farmer. And
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