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CE 1501 - CE 2000
CE 1801 - CE 1850
CE 1801 FBI interview with Marguerite Oswald by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, January 6, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 422 *
CE 1802 portion of FBI interview with Thomas Wafford by SA Harry Belk, December 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 422 *
CE 1803 letter, J. Edgar Hoover to Warren Commission, September 4, 1964, concerning statements by Revilo Oliver
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 423-441 *
CE 1804 Secret Service report concerning schools attended by Lee Oswald in NYC
WCH Vol. 23 p. 442 *
CE 1805 FBI interview with Marguerite Oswald by SAs W. Brown and Charles Brown, November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 443-444 *
CE 1806 SS report, Apil. 30, 1964, indicating Mrs. Marguerite Oswald »would not allow the Secret Service to have a copy of a tape she has in her possession«
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 444-445 *
CE 1807 FBI interview with Edwin Grewe by SA Donald Steinmeyer, March 30, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 445-452 *
CE 1808 article, »My Son Did Not Assassinate Kennedy«, from Le Nouveau Candide, April 2-9, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 453-458 *
CE 1809 FBI report by SA James Hosty concerning his initial investigation of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 458-459 *
CE 1810 SS report by SA Elmer Moore, December 3, 1963, regarding interview with George Senator
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 459-461 *
CE 1811 FBI interview, William Burley by SAs Raymond Fox and Brendan Walsh, December 4, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 461-467 *
CE 1812 FBI interview with Richard Houston by SA William Friday, July 3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 467-468 *
CE 1813 FBI interview, Norman Siegel by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 469-470 *
CE 1814 FBI interview with Richard K. Marks by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 471 *
CE 1815 FBI interview, Larrie Schmidt by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 471-473 *
CE 1816 FBI interview with Stanley Kaufman by SAs Alfred Neeley and Calvin Rice, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 474 *
CE 1817 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, December l7, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 475 *
CE 1818 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, December l9, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 475-476 *
CE 1819 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, December l9, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 476-477 *
CE 1820 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, January l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 477-479 *
CE 1821 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, Janury l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 480-482 *
CE 1822 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, January l7, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 482-483 *
CE 1823 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, January 2l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 483-484 *
CE 1824 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, January 3l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 484 *
CE 1824-A FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Richard Wiehl and Wallace Heitman, January 3l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 485-495 *
CE 1825 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SA Wallace Heitman, February 2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 495 *
CE 1826 FBI report concerning radio appearance of Marguerite Oswald on talk show of Phil Donahue, March l9, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 496-497 *
CE 1827 transcript of brief press interview by Jesse Curry, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 498 *
CE 1828 FBI report concerning fruitless search for »A. J. Hideel«
WCH Vol. 23 p. 498 *
CE 1829 transcript of CBS-TV interview with Dial Ryder, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 499 *
CE 1830 FBI report, December 23, 1963, concerning the extended Paine family and their known associates
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 500-503 *
CE 1831 FBI report by SA James Hosty, December ll, 1963, concerning his contacts with Ruth Paine and her boarders
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 503-510 *
CE 1832 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, February 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 511 *
CE 1833 FBI report summarizing interviews with Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 511-512 *
CE 1834 FBI interview, L. S. Brotherton by SA W. James Wood, July 2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 513 *
CE 1835 SS report concerning Robert A. Surrey's unwillingness to be interviewed
WCH Vol. 23 p. 514 *
CE 1836 SS report clarifying the publication of »Wanted for Treason« leaflets
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 515-516 *
CE 1837 SS report re: publication of »Wanted for Treason« leaflets
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 516-517 *
CE 1838 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, March 2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 517-518 *
CE 1839 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Wallace Heitman, March l2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 518-519 *
CE 1840 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SA Anatole Boguslav, March l2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 519 *
CE 1841 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Anatole Boguslav and Neil Quigley, March l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 520 *
CE 1842 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and James Wood, March 3l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 52 *
CE 1843 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SA Wallace Heitman, April l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 521 *
CE 1844 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SA Wallace Heitman, April 3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 521 *
CE 1845 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Richard Wiehl, April 27, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 522 *
CE 1846 FBI report of interviews with Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 522-524 *
CE 1847 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Richard Wiehl, May 4, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 525-526 *
CE 1848 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Richard Wiehl, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 527 *
CE 1849 FBI report of further questioning of Marina Oswald concerning the Walker and Nixon events
WCH Vol. 23 p. 528 *
CE 1850 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, October l2-3l, 1962
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 529-535 *

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