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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 148« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Marguerite Oswald)

Mr. Rankin.
And 133, consists of two different pictures.
Mrs. Oswald.
No, sir, that is not the picture. He was holding the rifle and it said, "To my daughter, June, with love." He was holding the rifle up.
Mr. Rankin.
By holding it up, you mean----
Mrs. Oswald.
Like this.
Mr. Rankin.
Crosswise, with both hands on the rifle?
Mrs. Oswald.
With both hands on the rifle.
Mr. Rankin.
Above his head?
Mrs. Oswald.
That is right.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you ever see these pictures, Exhibits 133 and 134?
Mrs. Oswald.
No, sir, I have never seen those pictures.
Mr. Rankin.
Now, you were going to tell us about some further discussion of the picture you did see?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes--all right.
Now, so the next morning the two representatives of the Life Magazine, Mr. Allen Grant and Mr. Tommy Thompson come by at 9 o'clock with a woman, Russian interpreter, a doctor somebody. I have not been able to find this woman. I have called the universities, thinking that she was a language teacher, and I--maybe you have her name. But she is very, very important to our story. And I do want to locate her, if possible.
During the night, I had decided I was going to take up their offer, because I would be besieged by reporters and everything. So why not go with the Life representatives, and let them pay my room and board and my daughter-in-law's. They came by at 9 o'clock, without calling, with this Russian interpreter. Marina was getting dressed and getting the children dressed. He was taking pictures all the time.
Mr. Rankin.
They came by where?
Mrs. Oswald.
Mrs. Paine's home. And there was no hurry, though, to leave the home, because Mrs. Paine was most anxious for the Life representatives to talk to her and get these pictures and everything--whether Marina has any part in this I don't know, because they spoke Russian, and she didn't tell me about it. But I know Mrs. Paine did.
We left with the two Life representatives. They brought us to the Hotel Adolphus in Dallas. I immediately upon entering the hotel picked up the phone and called Captain Will Fritz, to see if Marina and I could see Lee at the jailhouse.
Mr. Rankin.
Who is he?
Mrs. Oswald.
He is one of the big men in Dallas on this case.
Mr. Rankin.
The Chief of Detectives, or something like that?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes. And I called him from the hotel, and the man that answered the phone said he would relay my message to him, that I wanted to see if Marina and 1 could see Lee. I waited on the phone. He came back and said, "Yes, Mrs. Oswald, Captain Fritz said you may see Lee at 12 o'clock today."
We arrived at the Adolphus Hotel between 9:30 and 10:00.
Mr. Rankin.
This was what day?
Mrs. Oswald.
This was Saturday, November 23, the morning of Saturday, November 23.
While we Were there, an FBI agent, Mr. Hart Odum entered the room with another agent, and wanted Marina to accompany him to be questioned.
Mr. Rankin.
Were these FBI agents?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, sir; Mr. Hart Odum is an FBI agent. And I said, "No, we are going to see Lee." We were all eating breakfast when he came in. said, "No, we have been promised to see Lee. She is not going with you."
So he said, "Well, will you tell Mrs. Oswald, please"--to the interpreter, "I would like to question her and I would like her to come with me to be questioned."
I said, "It is no good. You don't need to tell the interpreter that, because my daughter-in-law is not going with you. We have been promised to see Lee. And besides Marina has testified, made her statement at the courthouse yesterday, and any further statements that Marina will make will be through counsel."
Mr. Odum said to the interpreter, "Mrs. Oswald"--to the interpreter--"will you tell Mrs. Oswald to decide what she would like to do and not listen to her mother-in-law."
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