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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 262« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Marguerite Oswald Resumed)

Mrs. Oswald.
questions for the rest, but gentlemen, I am not out of my mind and I have said this over and over publicly, that I have never been interviewed, answer and question, but for about 10 minutes at the Inn of the Six Flags.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Chairman, then I would like to go down about 5 or 6 minutes more maybe and see what it sounds like and the background if we play for just a few minutes.
The Chairman.
All right.
Mr. Rankin.
Would you drop down for another 5 minutes? Skip about 5 minutes, please.
Mrs. Oswald.
After you start may I say something else?
Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald.
All of this here I have said and also said in my home and I have testified that there was a tape recorder in my home brought in by Mr. Max Phillips, Mr. Rankin. Why can't--I don't know anything about tape but it can be spliced and edited and so forth, that much I know because when I have talked for reporters, they don't use everything I say. They splice.
Mr. Rankin.
But you recognize, Mrs. Oswald, it would be quite a Job to splice in each one of those questions.
Mrs. Oswald.
Well, the assassination of the President of the United States and a scapegoat for it would be quite a job, it would be worth while, yes, sir, I realize that.
Mr. Rankin.
Let's try a little more.
(Transcription played.)
Mr. Rankin.
Do you want to say anything more about this?
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes, I do. I haven't gone through all of this. I have made the statement over and over that my conversation was stopped. It was approximately a 10-minute conversation and it was stopped with the remark "I see my son crying. All my thoughts have left me."
Is that remark in this any place?
Mr. Rankin.
I don't recall that it is.
Mrs. Oswald.
Well, we will have to recall, because this, I have stated and was said and that is when 1 stopped the conversation at the Inn of the Six Flags. Robert came out crying because he couldn't get a minister and I said. "I see my son crying, now all my thoughts have left me," and the interview stopped at the Inn of Six Flags which I have testified was approximately 10 minutes.
Now, sir, there was a microphone in my home. This is not news to anybody. I have said this over and over and over. The ordinary layman by now knows my whole story, Chief Justice Warren. There was Mr. Max Phillips who had a microphone in my home. I testified on tape for over 2 hours at--talked at the Fort Worth Club, which would be, it is the same story over and over, I have told you all the same story that you already have here.
The Chairman.
Yes, but it wasn't the same man interrogating you at this place as it was at this hotel, was it?
Mrs. Oswald.
About now--I don't know if this is the same man on the whole tape because I haven't listened to it. No, no one interrogated me at the Fort Worth Press Club, sir. I talked, there was an open press.
The Chairman.
But it is the same voice we are hearing now asking you questions as at the beginning of this tape, isn't it?
Mrs. Oswald.
That is correct. I have just stated, since this is a very big operation, that this could be edited and this man's voice put on there. This I know, because the radio stations called me and they edited what I do. Isn't this possible, that this could be edited, and that this man asked the questions and then my voice be put in. It would be a big job but I am asking isn't that possible? I swear that I have never had answers and questions of this sort, gentlemen.
The Chairman.
Shall we turn over about 10 minutes more and see if the same voices are in it there?
(Transcription played.)
Mrs. Oswald.
I am not sure but I think it was possible it was an editor that he put me on there.
(Transcription played.)
The Chairman.
Well, Mrs. Oswald, those are the same voices.
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