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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. I - Page 268« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Edward Oswald Lee)

Mr. Oswald.
I will be 30 years old April 7, 1964.
The Chairman.
Mr. Jenner, if you excuse me now, I am going to attend a session of the Supreme Court. And if you are here this afternoon, I will be back to be with you.
Mr. Dulles.
You may proceed, Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Jenner.
Thank you. Mr. Dulles.
Would you identify your family--Mrs. Oswald, and your two fine children?
Mr. Oswald.
Thank you My wife's name is Vada Marie Oswald. My daughter's name is Cathy Marie Oswald, and my son's name is Robert Lee Edward Oswald, Jr.
Mr. Jenner.
The ages?
Mr. Oswald.
Cathy is 6 years old, and Robert Lee will be 3 years old this April.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you give us Mrs. Oswald's maiden name?
Mr. Oswald.
Vada Marie Mercer.
Mr. Jenner.
She is a native of your present town?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir. She is from Keeter, Tex. My wife was raised on a farm. This community is located close to Boyd, Tex., which is approximately 35 miles northwest of Fort Worth.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Your father's full name?
Mr. Oswald.
Robert Edward Lee Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Oswald.
.Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And he is now deceased?
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct. sir.
Mr. Jenner.
And as I recall, he died in August of 1939.
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
You were then about what--5 years old?
Mr. Oswald.
Five years old, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, your mother is Marguerite Oswald?
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you recall her middle name?
Mr. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
And what was her maiden name?
Mr. Oswald.
I don't remember.
Mr. Jenner.
I think it was Claverie. You have a brother, John Pic?
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct. John Edward Pic.
Mr. Jenner.
And he is a stepbrother?
Mr. Oswald.
Yes, sir; that is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
And born of a marriage of your mother with whom?
Mr. Oswald.
Pardon me. He is a half brother.
Mr. Mckenzie.
He is a half brother, Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Jenner.
I am sorry to say that meant the same thing to me. But I am probably in error. A half brother.
Mr. Oswald.
1 am sorry. I didn't hear the next question.
Mr. Jenner.
That is all right. You correct me when I am wrong. Don't hesitate to do that. Your half brother's father was whom?
Mr. Oswald.
This I do not know. I don't know his full name.
Mr. Jenner.
Was it John, to the best of your recollection?
Mr. Oswald.
I would be of the opinion it was John.
Mr. Jenner.
Have you ever met him?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir; I have not.
Mr. Jenner.
You never had any acquaintance with him?
Mr. Oswald.
No, sir. I might further say 1 don't believe I have ever seen a picture identified as being John's father.
Mr. Dulles.
You are speaking of the father now?
Mr. Jenner.
That is correct, sir.
And your half brother, John Pic, is older than you, is he not?
Mr. Oswald.
That is correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you happen to recall his age?
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