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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 394« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Earl Ruby)

Mr. Ruby.
"I'll talk to you some other time." You know, because we were all excited, especially he was. So I hung up. And we didn't have the radio on in the plant, but we left a few minutes thereafter. And in the car, as I said, about 5 minutes later, as I am in the car driving, just drove probably a mile from the plant, which wouldn't take more than 5 minutes, it comes through on the radio that Oswald has been shot and the fellow that did the shooting is Jack Ruby, owner of the Carousel Night Club in Dallas, and I immediately knew it was my brother because that was the name of the club he owned.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you say you were riding with someone at the time?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
What was his name?
Mr. Ruby.
Jim Stewart.
Mr. Hubert.
Does he still work for you?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
Where is he located now; do you know?
Mr. Ruby.
Right now he is in the hospital, Receiving Hospital in Detroit.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do when you heard that?
Mr. Ruby.
Well, I was very upset, of course, and he said--I was driving--he said, "You had better pull over to the curb. You just turned white as a ghost."
So I pulled over for a second or for a few minutes to recuperate my senses, so to speak. And then I said, "I had better take you home," which I did. Then I went home. I drove home, and I called my sister in Chicago. I don't even know which one I called. There is two of them. And they knew about it, of course, by that time, too. This was a half hour later and they probably heard it on the air. And they were all upset, of course. And I said, "Well, I had better come to Chicago." So I called the airport and I flew to Chicago Sunday.
Mr. Griffin.
How long did you remain at the cleaning plant after you finished talking with Mike Nemzin?
Mr. Ruby.
Just a couple of minutes, just a few minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
And what other people were in the plant at that time?
Mr. Ruby.
When I talked to Mike Nemzin?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Ruby.
The electrician, I think, and his helper, he had a helper, you know.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember the name of the electrician?
Mr. Ruby.
Oh, yes.
Mr. Griffin.
Can you give us his name?
Mr. Ruby.
The trade name, I think, is Marco Electrical Contractors, and his first name is Marty. That is with a "c". It is a little bit of an odd name, but I have it available there if it is necessary.
Mr. Griffin.
His last name starts with a "c"?
Mr. Ruby.
Yes; I think that is where he got this Marco. And then, of course, as I told you I flew to Chicago, and my brother met me at the airport, if I am not mistaken, Hyman, and this was already before I could get reservations and get the plane and pack some clothes and all. It was late in the afternoon, and I think I arrived there, if I am not mistaken, probably 6 o'clock in Chicago, and it takes about an hour to get there.
Anyhow, no sooner I got in the house, you know, of course, the reporters were calling and it was a real--we tried not to talk to everyone, to anyone, if I recall.
When I got there, then my sister said that there were some men at the door and they said they were FBI men or special agents, and she thought they were reporters so she wouldn't let them in, and she was hysterical now, to put it straight. And so then we got a call. We did answer the phone, of course, and we got a call from an agent, I can't remember his name, but he said that they want to get in and talk to us and we wouldn't let anybody in. You know, we just wouldn't let anybody in. So he says, "Here is a number and call this number and my name is"---one of them was White, and I can't think of the other one, one of the agents in Chicago. "Call this number and they will verify this that we are special agents." So I said OK. So I went out to a pay station and called, and sure enough they said yes, they are agents, and so I walked back into the house the back way, and I saw them standing in the front, by the way. You know, there were about three or four of them. And I told my sister we had
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