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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 540« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jack L. Ruby)

Mr. Specter.
We called the last series, series 3a.
Mr. Herndon.
We will call this series 4, according to my records. Is that in sequence, Mr. Specter?
Mr. Specter.
Yes; I believe it is.
Mr. Herndon.
I will proceed shortly then, gentlemen.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Tonahill and Mr. Alexander have now left the room.
Mr. Herndon.
Mr. Ruby, do you want to put both of your feet on the floor for me, sir, and look straight ahead at the wall, and relax until I get the instrument adjusted.
(Reporter's note: 4:35 p.m.)
Mr. Herndon.
All right, I will now put some pressure on the arm cuff, and I will tell you when I am going to start asking you questions, Mr. Ruby. We will now begin.
(Reporter's note: 4:36 p.m.)
Mr. Herndon.
"Do you still operate the Carousel Club?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Were you on the sidewalk at the time Lieutenant Pierce's car stopped on the ramp exit?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you previously live in Chicago?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
Try to sit still, if you can.
Mr. Ruby.
All right.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you enter the Jail by walking through an alleyway?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Are your parents alive?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you walk past the guard at the time Lieutenant Pierce's car was parked on the ramp exit?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you ever make a false insurance claim?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you talk with any Dallas police officers on Sunday, November 24, prior to the shooting of Oswald?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
That series is over. If you will sit still for a moment, Mr. Ruby. I will now release the pressure from your arms.
Mr. Ruby.
Am I acting a little nervous?
Mr. Herndon.
A little, but I think you're getting a little bit tired. That's quite all right. I notice a little motion, but I will certainly take that into consideration when I evaluate and interpret these charts.
(Reporter's note: 4:40 p.m.)
Mr. Herndon.
Is there any area of doubt at all in your mind about that question where you were on the sidewalk at the time Lieutenant Pierce's car stopped at the ramp exit?
Mr. Ruby.
I said I was on the sidewalk--I walked past.
Mr. Herndon.
Yes; did that question trouble you then?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
You were on the sidewalk?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
I just wanted to clarify that. When I asked you, "Are you parents alive?”, Mr. Ruby, have they been deceased for some time?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
Did that question bother you or trouble you at all?
Mr. Ruby.
No; I don't know--I guess I'm nervous now--I don't know just why I said that.
Mr. Herndon.
I have no further questions in that series.
Mr. Ruby.
Aren't you going to ask me whether I knew anything as to whether or not he was going to come down, or anything like that?
Mr. Herndon.
We will have to prepare some more questions.
Mr. Specter.
May the record show that Mr. Alexander and Mr. Tonahill are now back in the room, and we are going to take a brief recess.
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