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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 556« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jack L. Ruby)

Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
Those are the questions, unless Mr. Ruby has some question on them.
Mr. Specter.
Let the record show that Mr. Tonahill and. Mr. Alexander are now out of the room and we may proceed with this series.
(Reporter's note. 7:28 p.m.)
Mr. Herndon.
For the record, this is series No. 8.
All right, Mr. Ruby, I shall now put some pressure in the arm cuff and if you will look straight ahead, sir, and answer the questions truthfully "Yes" or "No," and I will tell you when I am going to begin asking questions.
The test will now begin.
"Is your last name Ruby?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Have you ever knowingly attended any meetings of the Communist Party or any other group that advocates violent overthrow of the Government?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did you legally change your last name?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Is any member of your immediate family or any else friend, a member of the Communist Party?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Were you in the Army Air Corps?"
Mr. Herndon.
"Is any member of your immediate family or any close freind a member of any group that advocates the violent overthrow of the Government?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
Look straight ahead, please, sir. "Did any close friend or any member of your immediate family ever attend a meeting of the Communist Party?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
"Did any close friend or any member of your immediate family ever attend a meeting of any group that advocates the violent overthrow of the Government?"
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
That series is over. If you will relax, Mr. Ruby, I will release the pressure on your arm.
(Reporter's note: 7:33 p.m.)
Mr. Herndon.
I know these questions were a little long, but I feel that you got the intent of them all right.
Mr. Ruby.
Sure; I did.
Mr. Herndon.
That will complete series No. 8.
Mr. Specter.
Let the record show that we are now going to take a very short recess, and resume in just a few moments.
Mr. Herndon.
Would you like to take this off just a minute and stand up a little bit, unless you prefer me to leave it on?
Mr. Ruby.
All right.
(Reporter's note: Recess began 7:33 p.m. During the recess Mr. Fowler and Mr. Ruby conferred out of the hearing of all in the room.)
Mr. Specter.
It is now 7:55 p.m. and may the record show that we have taken a 20-minute recess and have now reconvened for the last session.
Mr. Ruby.
You're not going to ask about the phone calls?
Mr. Specter.
Those are going to be covered, Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Ruby.
I know you are for me, Joe, I know.
Mr. Specter.
Let us proceed at this point, Mr. Herndon, with the next series of questions.
Mr. Herndon.
Are you tired, Mr. Ruby?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
Do you feel all right?
Mr. Ruby.
Mr. Herndon.
We shall then continue. I'm going to read off a good number
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