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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 112« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William D. , Jr. Crowe)

Mr. Hubert.
hibits Nos. 5212, 5221, 5206, and 5205 in the deposition of C. L. Crafard, taken in Washington, D.C., on April 10, 1964.
I am going to ask you to look at these pictures and see if in any of them you see anybody that resembles the man that you may have seen there and who might look like Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Crowe.
When were these taken?
Mr. Hubert.
Well, I don't know. I would just like to ask you to examine them and see if there is anybody in there that looks like the man you used in your memory act and who was in the front row, and who you think looked like Lee Harvey Oswald. And whom you said may have been in the Carousel Club during the week prior to the death of the President?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
You have said no after examining the picture which has been previously identified as No. 5212 of the deposition of Crafard. Now, you are looking at the picture which has been identified as Exhibit No. 5221 of the deposition of C. L. Crafard, and I ask you the same question as to that picture?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, your answer no is in response to the question relative to Exhibit No. 5221, deposition of Crafard. Would you look at the next picture, please, which has been identified previously as Exhibit No. 5206--
Mr. Crowe.
And all backs of heads.
Mr. Hubert.
In the deposition of Crafard. I am sorry, I didn't get your answer?
Mr. Crowe.
I say all backs of heads. He kind of favors it.
Mr. Hubert.
You are saying "he" and pointing. To whom are you pointing in the picture?
Mr. Crowe.
I don't know.
Mr. Hubert.
I mean describe it by way of position.
Mr. Crowe.
Well, he is standing on stage.
Mr. Hubert.
Is it correct to say he is almost in the middle of that picture?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
And that the microphone is right behind him?
Mr. Crowe.
Right behind him.
Mr. Hubert.
He seems to have his sleeves halfway rolled up his arm?
Mr. Crowe.
Yes; got a cigarette in his right hand.
Mr. Hubert.
That he seems to be leaning over a bit?
Mr. Crowe.
And leaning forward.
Mr. Hubert.
Does that person resemble the person that you think you saw in the Carousel Club the week prior to the death of the President?
Mr. Crowe.
No; I wouldn't say that. I say he favors.
Mr. Hubert.
Favors whom?
Mr. Crowe.
Oswald. But I don't recall him as being the one that I saw.
Mr. Hubert.
You think the man you just talked about in Crafard Exhibit No. 5206 is not the man that you have been referring to as possibly Oswald in your previous statements to the FBI, to the press, and so forth?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
But that he does bear some resemblance to him?
Mr. Crowe.
Right. I could be wrong.
Mr. Hubert.
Would you look at--
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
Exhibit No. 5205 of the deposition of C. L. Crafard, and I ask you to examine that picture with the same purpose in mind.
Mr. Crowe.
Yes, the second person in the foreground has some similarity to Oswald, doesn't he?
Mr. Hubert.
You are talking about the man who is just left of center in the lower quadrant of that photo?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
As to whom there is pointing a little pen written arrow; is that correct?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
What is your comment as to that man, with reference to the
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