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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 178« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marvin E. Hall)

Mr. Hubert.
What time did that begin?
Mr. Hall.
9:50; and I peeked into her room to quietly tell her to get home as best she could, that I had to go to work.
Mr. Hubert.
Where is the church located?
Mr. Hall.
At the corner of Colorado and Turner in Oak Cliff.
Mr. Hubert.
Where is the terminal?
Mr. Hall.
1800 Leonard.
Mr. Hubert.
How did you drive?
Mr. Hall.
About a 10-minute drive?
Mr. Hubert.
How did you go down?
Mr. Hall.
In the car assigned to me.
Mr. Hubert.
I mean what route did you take?
Mr. Hall.
Turner north to Greenbrier; Greenbrier east on Sylvan; Sylvan north to the Fort Worth cutoff; Fort Worth cutoff east on into town, proceeding up Commerce Street to Field; turning north on Field to Ross; and east to Ross to Leonard; north on Leonard to Flora. This is the corner the terminal is located. The reason that I feel fairly sure of that route is we are all creatures of habit, and that would be the way to go, especially in a hurry.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you driving faster than normal?
Mr. Hall.
Not really.
Mr. Hubert.
So you think the trip took you about 10 minutes, you said?
Mr. Hall.
Approximately; yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
That would make the time of arrival at the terminal then about 10:15 or 10:20?
Mr. Hall.
This could be so; yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
When you got there, was anyone else there?
Mr. Hall.
I believe I was the first.
Mr. Hubert.
Who got there next?
Mr. Hall.
I think the order of arrival was me, Dietrich, Coin, Fleming.
Mr. Hubert.
Can you tell us anything about the time intervals between their arrival after yours?
Mr. Hall.
Not really; no, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
I think you have stated that all four of you were there at the terminal, however, at 10:30?
Mr. Hall.
Approximately so; yes, sir. I remember feeling quite proud of the quick assembly time on a normally off-duty time.
Mr. Hubert.
What occurred after the four of you were there? Do you remember whether there were any telephone calls to Chief Batchelor?
Mr. Hall.
Yes, sir; I believe there were. I think Fleming called Chief Batchelor at least once.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember the nature of that call?
Mr. Hall.
I am not sure whether Fleming got a hold of Chief Batchelor or not. I think it was to determine if one of the smaller trucks would be acceptable.
Mr. Hubert.
What was decided upon. What actually happened?
Mr. Hall.
The impression we received was that the larger truck would have to be the one used.
Mr. Hubert.
Did more than one truck go?
Mr. Hall.
Yes, sir; I decided to have the smaller truck accompany the larger truck as a standby. This procedure we use in all cases of tension for double protection. We frequently send two vehicles when one would be sufficient to handle the load.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know when you left the terminal with the two trucks?
Mr. Hall.
Approximately 10:50---10:45 or 10:50.
Mr. Hubert.
Would you estimate that between 15 and 20 minutes between the time all four of you were there until the two-vehicle convoy proceeded to the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. Hall.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Now who was driving the larger truck?
Mr. Hall.
I was, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Was anyone with you?
Mr. Hall.
Mr. Fleming.
Mr. Hubert.
Who was driving the other truck, the small one?
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