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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 198« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marjorie R. Richey)

Mrs. Richey.
about, but like I say only the waitresses. And I believe she talked to her. It seems like there was two, but I don't remember the other one.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you actually see Kathy Kay crying or did you hear that she was?
Mrs. Richey.
I sat down at the table that they were sitting at. It seems like there was three girls sitting there and I sat down and somebody came in the door and I got up. She had a Kleenex and a cup of coffee or tea or something in a cup and she was wiping tears away.
Mr. Griffin.
How long was that after Oswald was shot; how many days?
Mrs. Richey.
I don't remember that; not even approximately. It couldn't have been too long though. I don't even know.
Mr. Griffin.
When did you first go to work after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. Richey.
I can't remember if I went to work Monday or Tuesday. The same night the club opened I went back to work, and I can't remember now if that was the following Monday. It seems like it was, but it may have been Tuesday. I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
By the following Monday you mean the very next day?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Or the day after.
Mrs. Richey.
The same week that it happened.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see this boy friend that Kathy Kay was going with at all after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Little Lynn continue to work at the club after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Did she work there until you left in January?
Mrs. Richey.
No; she quit before I quit. Now I don't know when she quit, but she quit before I did.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you know why she quit?
Mrs. Richey.
Well, I don't know why she quit; but that was the same day--something was in the newspapers about her and right now I don't remember what it was, ,because there was quite a bit about her in the newspaper.
Mr. Griffin.
Was that the time she carried the gun into the courtroom?
Mrs. Richey.
That might have been it. I don't remember really, because there was one time that she was kidnaped or lost or ran away or something and they get confused in my mind and I am not real sure.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you talk with her, Little Lynn that is, at all after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. Richey.
If I did I don't remember what was said or if I even did talk to her. I am not real sure.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you heard anything which would indicate what information she may have had that Ruby was going to shoot Oswald?
Mrs. Richey.
No; I hadn't even heard anything to that effect.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you heard anything about how she happened to make the telephone call to Ruby? Did you know that she made a telephone call to Ruby early Sunday morning?
Mrs. Richey.
For rent?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Richey.
Isn't that why she called him? I read that in the paper?
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever talk with her about it?
Mrs. Richey.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you ever hear any of her story about why she called him?
Mrs. Richey.
No; that was the only reason I knew was that she needed some rent, and the way it went in the paper was that Jack went down to the telegraph office before he went to shoot Oswald to send her the money.
Mr. Griffin.
This is a repetitive question. I ask you again do you recall on Friday or Saturday seeing anybody else from the Carousel Club besides Jack Ruby?
Mrs. Richey.
I didn't see anybody.
Mr. Griffin.
Or talking. You didn't see anybody and you didn't talk to anybody besides--
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