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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 256« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Russell Lee Moore ( ) Knight)

Mr. Knight.
essence of the interview, he said that Oswald, he was a, he was not insane, something like it was premeditated or so forth and so on. That was the gist of the interview.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Ruby stand by while that interview took place?
Mr. Knight.
That I don't know, if he were in listening distance or not, because I wasn't paying any attention to Ruby while Wade and I had the interview. But when I got through with the interview he was over say 15, 20 feet. He must have been talking to other reporters and so forth in the vicinity.
Mr. Griffin.
How long did your interview with Wade last?
Mr. Knight.
Oh, about 30 seconds.
Mr. Griffin.
What did you do after you finished interviewing Wade?
Mr. Knight.
It took, the interview, either 30 seconds or a minute. I took the interview on the tape recorder, started out of the courthouse building. As I say, Ruby cornered me again, saying that he and we walked up to the best of my knowledge, we walked up back to the main entrance. He said he had sandwiches and soft drinks for the personnel over at our station, KLIF, and offered me a ride back to the station. But since it was so close I did not ride back to the station with him. And I walked back to the station and evidently he went to his car from this point.
Mr. Griffin.
How far is the station?
Mr. Knight.
As I say, three or four blocks.
Mr. Griffin.
In what direction?
Mr. Knight.
As you go out of the courthouse, the station would be to the left.
Mr. Griffin.
That would be south?
Mr. Knight.
I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Across Commerce Street?
Mr. Knight.
It would be toward the Central Expressway.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Knight.
Away from downtown.
Mr. Griffin.
What intersection would it be?
Mr. Knight.
Jackson at Central Expressway. Now, I guess Ruby's car was down this way or some place because he went over in a different direction.
Mr. Griffin.
When you point that way you can't tell.
Mr. Knight.
Let's see. I went left and he went right. Is that all right?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes. That would be you walked off onto Commerce Street and you turned left towards Central Expressway, and your recollection is that Ruby turned right toward the center of town?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Knight.
I got back to the station. I was there giving the interview to Duncan who listened to it, we decided to use it on the morning's newscast, when Ruby--I guess this must have been, by this time, a quarter till two, approximately--showed up again at the radio station.
Mr. Griffin.
How long did it take you to walk to the radio station?
Mr. Knight.
Four minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
And how much later did you next hear from Ruby?
Mr. Knight.
Oh, I guess 20 minutes, time elapsed, 15, 20 minutes. It wasn't too long but at least that long.
Mr. Griffin.
And where were you when you first heard from Ruby?
Mr. Knight.
I was again, to the best of my knowledge it was out in the hall from the newsroom. I was standing with Glenn Duncan.
Mr. Griffin.
Did anybody walk back with you to the radio station?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you receive a telephone call from Ruby?
Mr. Knight.
No; I didn't. But Ruby had called Duncan earlier asking if it would be all right if he did deliver sandwiches and soft drinks to the radio station.
Mr. Griffin.
I mean you say the next thing you heard from Ruby. Now, how did you hear from him? Did he proceed to walk right in?
Mr. Knight.
Well, the door was evidently open and it had been open because we had newsmen going in and out. We had, there was a guy from New York
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