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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 258« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Russell Lee Moore ( ) Knight)

Mr. Knight.
It was after the newscast. In fact, I think--again this is all so hazy--I started out when Pappas was coming up the stairs, and he asked if he could use the facilities, and where could he get a phone. Since he was a fellow newsman, I pointed out the phone where he could use it and walked out. Ruby, of course, was still around.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Pappas come back in and talk with you later?
Mr. Knight.
No; again, Pappas ate one of Ruby's sandwiches and drank one of his soft drinks.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember discussing Pappas' radio market, the advertising market in New York?
Mr. Knight.
I don't think I did. I maybe asked him how he was doing and how a certain personality, Pete Myers, was doing, that worked for NEW, New York City rather, and that. I don't think I discussed advertising.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you get any indication that Pappas recognized Ruby at that time or that Ruby recognized Pappas?
Mr. Knight.
No; as far as I know they were complete strangers.
Mr. Griffin.
Did they talk? Was Ruby present during your conversation with Pappas?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Did Ruby give Pappas a card for his club at that point?
Mr. Knight.
Not at this point, but I think Pappas had a card but he had gotten it earlier.
Mr. Griffin.
What makes you say that you think that happened?
Mr. Knight.
Well, I don't remember Ruby giving him a card actually up there.
Mr. Griffin.
But you learned somewhere along the line that Pappas did have a card?
Mr. Knight.
Yes; I vaguely remember Pappas having the card.
Mr. Griffin.
I am really trying to again probe your recollection as to whether you actually have a recollection that the card was made known to you at that time, that Pappas had a card, or whether you subsequently learned that Pappas got a card and sort of inferred it was earlier?
Mr. Knight.
I think that Pappas mentioned that he had gotten the card earlier in the day. Maybe Ruby at the time offered him one but I don't, that's still hazy.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Did Ruby at the time he was up there at the radio station do anything which to you would indicate that he was trying to promote his clubs at that time?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Was there any pushing in that area?
Mr. Knight.
No; a comment since you made that. I guess in my subconscious I didn't think of that because he had always pushed before, but this seemed to be a complete no talk about his business at all. In fact I didn't even know, he didn't even tell me that he had closed the clubs. He might hare but I don't remember.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember any conversation that he might have had concerning the Bernard Weissman ad which appeared in the Dallas Morning News on the 22d of November? Do you know what ad I am talking about?
Mr. Knight.
To impeach Earl Warren?
Mr. Griffin.
Not impeach Earl Warren. It was a black-bordered advertisement that addressed a series of questions to President Kennedy.
Mr. Knight.
No; he did mention this, but at the time I wasn't familiar with it myself and he didn't mention any names. In fact, the point I remember, in the back of my mind, but how he brought it up or the names I don't remember. Now, I have a question for you, or not a question but another thing along this line that happened. He happened to call me Ruby--Saturday night.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me I want to take this chronologically.
Mr. Knight.
That's what I mean.
Mr. Griffin.
I'm glad you mentioned it. Did he say anything to you Friday night or through Saturday morning which would indicate that he had some idea that there was an effort being made to discredit the Jews, that the assassination was somehow a part of an effort to discredit the Jews?
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