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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 328« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mrs. Grant.
moving around very slow, not in my normal speed or stride. If it was only 4 feet, I wasn't trying--I did better than a lot of other people, but he took a number down and he called this number and said, "Jack Ruby." I heard something, but I don't know. I mean, he said, "Yes, I am closing tonight." I don't know what the other guy said. But Jack had told me this after he hung up. Now, this may have been the first conversation or the second. Seems to me he talked to him twice. I mean, I am just assuming this.
Jack said, "You know the Cabana and the Century Room are closing, but the rest of the clubs aren't closing." Or something to that effect that other clubs weren't closing. Whichever ones they were, I don't remember that he mentioned. But he mentioned the two that were closing. I don't know what went on in regard to all the clubs and things, but Jack says this, he wants to know, and he was sitting there, and that is when I could see there was something wrong, but I couldn't detect what was wrong.
He became really a very broken man, but you see, I figure everybody looked and acted like he did, and I not being out, I don't know what other people outside of Pauline or the other people that called. He said, "Don wants me to call him and let him know if I am going to be open." And this is almost the exact words he said, as much as I remember. And he said, "Listen, we are broke anyway, so I will be a broken millionaire. I am going to close for 3 days." I heard him go back to the phone. By then I was in the bedroom for Kleenex or something. He went back and dialed. I don't know who he talked to. And he says, well, this is what I heard him tell, "Don't tell the Weinsteins that I am closing, Don." He said, "Yes, I want to be closed." And he seemed to be, when he I come out, we talked a little bit about our family and things. I said, "Call the printing room." Of course, I am not familiar, though I shouldn't say this, I have heard it a million times--I am not familiar with the newspaper although I have been there many times with him. I said, "You better cancel your ad." He said, "Well, I am going to cancel the ad for 3 days."
Truthfully, he tried to cancel the ad, but they said they held the space for him. I don't know which paper it was. He said, "This is Jack Ruby." The other guy knew him. Oh, no, he mentioned the composing room. He said composing room. He said, "This is Jack Ruby. Do me a favor. Listen, use my space and say, closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday." Then he waited.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me interrupt you here, and not because you are doing very well.
Mrs. Grant.
I am trying to.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me ask you this: You made the statement that Jack initially called simply to cancel the space?
Mrs. Grant.
No. Andy called our house. Listen to me. Andy told him Don called. Jack bawled him out why he didn't have the number, and he says, "I will get the number." But we have about five phones in the place of business. Andy must have went to the other part of the club to get the number, and he called back.
Mr. Griffin.
I got that. What I am referring to is after Don Safran called him, and you and he talked and you said, "Jack, you better call the printing room," and then he made the telephone call. And I think you indicated that Jack said, "I want to cancel my ad." That Jack's original thought was to cancel the ad, not to use the space.
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
What do you remember was said that indicated this to you that makes you remember?
Mrs. Grant.
It seems to me, and I was sitting right next to him on the couch, and the way my place is, there was a little white table, and there is a telephone there, and it seems to me he said, "I would like to cancel," and the guy says, "Well,"--
Mr. Griffin.
Of course, you couldn't hear the man on the other end?
Mrs. Grant.
No; I assumed the ad was already paid for.
Mr. Griffin.
Go ahead. What else happened in that telephone call?
Mrs. Grant.
As I said, "You better call the printing room," or, "Did you call the printing room?" Or something. Jack said he knew the department better than I did. At least he was thinking a little better. He said, "You mean the
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