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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 333« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mr. Griffin.
Now, somebody made a telephone call early Saturday morning from the Vegas Club.
Mrs. Grant.
That wasn't right. That is a confusion. I billed it to the Vegas Club telephone, unless one of my help went there, which I doubt. But I wanted to call my son's father-in-law, which I straightened out with the FBI.
Mr. Griffin.
That was a call made to a family named Hirsch?
Mrs. Grant.
I don't think I made it Friday. I think Saturday. [Made on Saturday.]
Mr. Griffin.
The record indicates it was made somewhere around 1:00 or 12:45 Saturday morning, and the records indicate it was from the Vegas Club.
Mrs. Grant.
I would like to doubt that very much on the words. Let me explain something. What about the other two calls? Are they Friday? Do you have it there, to Chicago? [The phone company has written a letter to me stating that the call was made from LA 66258 at 10:45 p.m (CST) on Saturday.]
Mr. Griffin.
Someone made a call late Friday night to Hyman's number in Chicago.
Mrs. Grant.
Wait a minute.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me tell you what the record shows. The record shows that Eileen called you around 9 o'clock.
Mrs. Grant.
She called me?
Mr. Griffin.
That's right.
Mrs. Grant.
Maybe that is right. See, I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
The record shows that Eileen called you.
Mrs. Grant.
Oh, maybe that is the wait a minute, I thought Jack wanted me to call her. But that wasn't it, was it?
Mr. Griffin.
I don't know. The record shows that.
Mrs. Grant.
I know I talked to her. You want to know the truth. I know I talked to them once or twice a month, so I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember calling Hyman?
Mrs. Grant.
It seems to me I remember calling that number over there.
Mr. Griffin.
You don't remember exactly when you called?
Mrs. Grant.
It seems to me it was Friday.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, the records indicate that a call was made to Hyman's house from the Vegas Club on Friday night. Did you go out of the house?
Mrs. Grant.
Never left that house; never. So, I hope I don't see my son alive. I did not leave Friday or Saturday out of that building. Not until Sunday when I was sneaking over to what I thought was the city hall. Let me explain this.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember calling the Hirschs?
Mrs. Grant.
Yes; but I think it was Saturday. Please listen to me. It was Saturday, November 23. I had called another number where my son lives. It is in my book. And calling my son's number, maybe it was at 10:30 at night, Dallas time, and nobody answered. This was Saturday night. I decided to call Cecil and Viril Hirsch. That is the mother and father of my daughter-in-law.
And I said, "It is Eva." And we talked, and I told him the town is failing apart over this, we are just sick. And I said, "Where are the kids?" I figured maybe Cecil is not answering the phone. And she said, "They are here." And I said, "How come you are having an affair like this?"
And she said, "For three or four different weekends they were supposed to have a temple affair and are installing new officers. It started in September, but it is a new community, and all the mothers and fathers have young infants, and every other week, if they postponed it, a child had measles or chickenpox, and they said that this particular Saturday night, November 23, let's see if everyone can't come. We will install them whether they are there or not."
And I said, "You tell Ronnie he is not to take the kids out of bed." Not that my kid. listens to me, but that is me talking. "And to stay there overnight, and maybe I will call them tomorrow or something." Anyway, I said, "Don't let them take the kids out." And she said, "I told him not to." And she said he was going to drive up at 12 o'clock sharp.
And I said, "Where does he get this traveling 40 miles and another 40 miles from my son's mother-in-law's home back to where they live."
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