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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 336« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mrs. Grant.
I don't have. I know I had talked to him in the last month that time.
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Grant, how long did Jack stay at your house? When did he leave your house on Saturday night?
Mrs. Grant.
8 o'clock, or 10 to 8, or 10 after 8.
Mr. Griffin.
Could it have been as late as 11 o'clock?
Mrs. Grant.
Oh, no; no. I tell you what happened. May I?
Mr. Griffin.
Mrs. Grant.
He came over, and he was excited and goofy. Said he had been to the post office, connected with the Morning News. He said the box is full of mail. He said it some commie. He takes out three pictures- It is postalcard pictures, and in the left-hand corner there was a picture of Earl Warren.
He told me he had a fight at the bar, and I know the man Solomon at the Turf Bar or Surf. It is on Commerce Street. And he said he nearly took a swing at a guy. And I want you to know, I do not know this person. I don,t think I ever talked to him yet. If I have, I don't remember. It seems to me our accountant was in there, Abe Kleinman. He said there is a little weasel or creep was in there, and he said, "I am leaving Dallas. This is a hell of a place. We got a black mark here." And that is when Jack picked up his hand, and said, "I will take a whack at you." He picked up his hand and said something to the effect, "I ought to take a whack at you for things like that. You made all your money here and now you. are running out. There is nothing wrong. This is the best city in all this business." And he said he called Gordon. Oh, he called Gordon McLendon. I don't know what went on. Of course, I didn't give a damn, and I went to take a shower.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he tell you that he had been to the police station the before?
Mrs. Grant.
No; this is Saturday afternoon. Now, see, you skipped over Friday night late after the synagogue.
Mr. Griffin.
You didn't see him Friday night?
Mrs. Grant.
He called me.
Mr. Griffin.
After the synagogue he called you?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did he call you?
Mrs. Grant.
He said he was in Phil's.
Mr. Griffin.
In Phil's?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
What did he say to you?
Mrs. Grant.
He said, "Do you have the private number of KLIF?" I thought he was nuts. You want to know why? I never had any reason to call over there for a private number and little bit I know they had any.
Mr. Griffin.
He called and said he wanted to know the number of whom?
Mrs. Grant.
Of Russ Knight. And why did he ask me the number. I hadn't had Russ Knight's number in the last 2 years, because he played a record of Joe Johnson, and I gave it to Russ Knight. But I couldn't think in--I couldn't think of his last name, and I didn't think we were going to find out.
To make a long story short, he said he was in Phil's, and I don't know if he was in Phil's on the highway or the one in the neighborhood. The first thing he wanted to know is how I felt, because I was pretty bad. And I asked him. if he had gone to the synagogue and he said, "Yes." He said, "What are you doing?" Truthfully, I was watching and not hearing, but it didn't mean a thing any more, because I was already--he said he was going to the station, and this is something I want to get very clear. I didn't give a damn if he went to the radio station or police station. I don't know what idea, because he knows somebody everywhere he goes, they know him. I assumed he had friends there. And he asked me if I remembered Russ' name? At the time I didn't even remember who he was talking about. He said, "The weird beard." I don't know who he was talking about, and it didn't make any difference to me.. This was late. He said after he had been to the synagogue, it wasn't before 10:30--it could have been around midnight--there was no conception of time any more for me that following evening.
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