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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 423« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Nancy Monnell Powell)

Mr. Griffin.
How did you know that she called Jack?
Mrs. Powell.
Because I was with her. I didn't go in the phone, but she called him.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did she call him?
Mrs. Powell.
From the parking lot. She said she asked him why he didn't tell her that he wasn't going to be open, and he got--this is hearsay. I mean, that is what she repeated to me, and I don't know if I can repeat exactly what she said.
Mr. Griffin.
When did she repeat it; at that time?
Mrs. Powell.
Yes; right afterward. She was pretty mad, because she made the trip over and everything and they were closed, so she asked Jack why they didn't tell her they were going to be closed. And she said he started hollering at her, "Don't you have any respect for the President?" And she said he was hollering and screaming and was real mad and said that she should have known that he was going to be closed. Anyway, she proceeded to tell him to that she needed some money.
Mr. Griffin.
How much money did she ask him for?
Mrs. Powell.
I don't know. I think $20 or $25. I think it was $25; I am not sure. And he was going to the synagogue.
Mr. Griffin.
How do you know he was going to the synagogue?
Mrs. Powell.
Well, because I know he was going to the synagogue. Maybe somebody told me, but I know he went to the synagogue that day.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you sure that he went that night? How do you know he went the same night the telephone call was made?
Mrs. Powell.
I think that is the night he went to the synagogue, really. I am saying this is a fact, you understand?
Mr. Griffin.
Are you sure that was on Saturday night, or could it have been Friday night that you were at the Colony Club?
Mrs. Powell.
It was the day after the President was shot. What day was that?
Mr. Griffin.
That would have been a Saturday.
Mrs. Powell.
Well, that is when it was, because the first night they were closed up, and the next night they were all open except Jack.
Mr. Griffin.
Do yon remember, did Little Lynn tell you that after her telephone call? Did Little Lynn tell you Jack said he was going to the synagogue?
Mrs. Powell.
I don't remember, but, okay, anyway, he was going someplace, and he couldn't give her the money that night.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, now, what makes you think he was going someplace?
Mrs. Powell.
Well, he told her that he couldn't bring the money to her until later, and she wanted to go out to his apartment and pick it up or something. I don't remember, really, too much about it. But he told her that he would send it to her the next day.
Mr. Griffin.
Did she get any money there at the parking lot?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you at the parking lot?
Mrs. Powell.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you know that Jack said he would send it to her the next day?
Mrs. Powell.
Because she said so.
Mr. Griffin.
When did she tell you that?
Mrs. Powell.
When she got through talking on the phone, she told Bruce and I, because Bruce didn't have any money, as usual, and they needed the money. She told Bruce that he said he would send it to her the next day. Because he was planning to stay closed, he told her, for 3 or 4 days, or until Monday, I think he said. Or I don't remember. I think he was going to stay closed until Monday, or until after the funeral, he was going to stay closed. She could tell you more about that. But I know he was going to send her the money, because she told Bruce.
Mr. Griffin.
Are you sure you didn't stay up in the club while she made that phone call, at the Colony Club?
Mrs. Powell.
I am not sure.
Mr. Griffin.
You seem to have a pretty vivid recollection of being down there.
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