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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 459« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Benton.
the political background of Lee Oswald and Wade said something to the effect, and this is not a direct quote, "Well, I think he's a member of that Free Cuba group;" whereupon, Jack Ruby corrected Wade and said, "No, it's the Fair Play for Cuba and there's a great difference between the two and I wanted to point that out."
Mr. Hubert.
Did Wade acknowledge that correction?
Mr. Benton.
Wade said, "Well," something like that. His answer is not clear in my mind.
Mr. Hubert.
Where did that take place? I mean, what part of the jail?
Mr. Benton.
To the best of my recollection, it occurred in what is called the assembly room, which is a room to which Oswald was taken that night to make a statement to the press. And to the best of my knowledge this occurred after Oswald had been in and--
Mr. Hubert.
Left? Do you know what time that was?
Mr. Benton.
Some time between 11 o'clock and midnight.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, the FBI report of the interview with you on December 1, 1963, indicates that Ruby's comment in regard to the difference between "Free Cuba," and a "Fair Play for Cuba," was made to correct Chief of Police Curry, whereas you have stated now that it was made to Mr. Wade, the district attorney.
Mr. Benton.
I don't recall saying that it was Chief Curry. I recall it was--
Mr. Hubert.
But you now remember it was made to correct Wade's remark and not Curry's remark?
Mr. Benton.
That is correct.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you see Ruby prior to that time?
Mr. Benton.
No, sir; I did not.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you see him after?
Mr. Benton.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
I mean on the 22d.
Mr. Benton.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, when you did see him on the 22d, and your attention was brought to him by the remark that he made, what was he doing?
Mr. Benton.
What was he, Ruby, doing?
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Benton.
I don't recall, sir. A number of reporters were talking to Wade.
Mr. Hubert.
He was in the room with them, is that right?
Mr. Benton.
He was in the room.
Mr. Hubert.
Had you seen him at all before that remark in that room?
Mr. Benton.
No, sir. My attention was concentrated on Oswald at the time.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, did you see Ruby on Saturday, November 23, at any time?
Mr. Benton.
I don't recall seeing him then.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you in the jail, the Dallas jail, during any time on Saturday, the 23d?
Mr. Benton.
Yes, sir. As I recall, I was there most of the day.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, passing to Sunday, November 24, I think you had mentioned heretofore to the FBI that you had an interview with Chief of Police Curry?
Mr. Benton.
That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
About what time was that?
Mr. Benton.
I have to space these things back according to specific events. I would guess it was some time between 9 and 10 a.m.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, let's start it this way. What time did you get there on Sunday morning?
Mr. Benton.
I think about 8:30.
Mr. Hubert.
And you went right up to the third floor?
Mr. Benton.
That is correct.
Mr. Hubert.
By the way, did you have any identification?
Mr. Benton.
Yes; I did.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you challenged?
Mr. Benton.
I was.
Mr. Hubert.
I take It from what you have told us that during the period, November. 22 through 24, 1963, you went in and out of the jailhouse and the third floor on quite a number of occasions?
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