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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 626« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lawrence V. Meyers)

Mr. Griffin.
You mentioned seeing Jack Ruby on Thursday night, November 21.
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you happen to make contact with him?
Mr. Meyers.
Well, here again I am trying to get--I am trying to remember this, and I don't know whether I am right or wrong, but I guess this is the way it happened. My brother lives in Brooklyn and my brother is a Pepsi Cola distributor, and that particular week they were having a bottlers convention in Dallas and my brother and his wife attended this convention. They were staying at the Adolphus Hotel. I was staying at the Cabana Motel. I think what happened is that I had called my brother earlier during the day at the Adolphus and was told that he was out at a dinner or something, so gathering that the convention had, and that he would--well, let me remember this. No; I talked to him. That was it. I talked to Eddie and I asked he and Thelma to have dinner with me that night and Eddie said he couldn't have dinner with me that night. He had to go--he and Thelma had to go to this party that was set up by some convention thing. But that he thought he would be through with that about 11 o'clock or so that evening. So I said, fine. Why don't you meet me at the Cabana Motel at 11 o'clock that evening, or, you know, when you get through, and I will be in--the club at the Cabana is called the Bon Vivant. Meet me in the Bon Vivant Room and we will say hello. I hadn't seen him for some time.
Meanwhile, I had stopped in to Jack's place that evening. I don't know what time. I would venture to say in the neighborhood of 9 o'clock that night. This was Thursday night, the 21st. I think that is pretty accurate because it comes back to me now.
I visited with Jack for about, oh, an hour, I don't know, just sat around there and yakked with him. Nothing of any consequence. He might have' even brought up this amateur night thing again. Of course, you realize that was before any of this tragedy had struck. So then I told Jack that my brother and his wife were going to meet me for a drink at the Bon Vivant Room about 11 o'clock and if he had the time, why didn't he come over and meet us. So he said he would if he could. Well, I don't remember now--I guess possibly around 11:15 or so my brother and his wife came by and within the next half hour or less, Jack came by. So we sat there, and if I remember right, he had coffee. I have never seen him take a drink.
Mr. Griffin.
Was anybody else with Jack at that time?
Mr. Meyers.
No; Jack was alone.
Mr. Griffin.
When you saw him at the club, was anybody with him, at the Carousel Club?
Mr. Meyers.
Nobody that I would have well, see, it is a hard question for me to answer. He was the host and he was with people.
Mr. Griffin.
Was George Senator there that you recall?
Mr. Meyers.
I don't remember him being there. Now, he might have been. There were a number of people in the club I don't remember. I know I didn't talk to him there. If he was there, I didn't see him. Shall I go on ?
Mr. Griffin.
Go ahead. Well, let me interrupt you.
Mr. Meyers.
Go ahead.
Mr. Griffin.
How much time do you think you spent with him at the Carousel
Mr. Meyers.
Thursday night?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Meyers.
In the neighborhood of an hour.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, during that period at the Carousel Club, what do you recall that Jack talked about?
Mr. Meyers.
I Just have no recollection. It was nothing of any consequence--beefs about trying to get hold of this union official, that one, to do this or do that.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you notice anything unusual about his behavior?
Mr. Meyers.
He was Just as nutty as he always was.
Mr. Griffin.
What do you. mean by that?
Mr. Meyers.
And I use the word advisedly.
Mr. Griffin.
What do you mean by that?
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