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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 241« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy Sansom Truly)

Mr. Truly.
No, sir. Yes; he could. I suppose he could put his hand through the slotted bars and touched one of the upper floors.
Mr. Belin.
On both elevators?
Mr. Truly.
That is just the west one only.
Representative Ford.
That was feasible, even though it might be a little difficult?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir.
Representative Ford.
There was no button on the outside that permitted him to send an elevator up to a higher floor?
Mr. Truly.
No, sir. It would take him quite a little job to get his hand all through there and press one.
Mr. Dulles.
Would he have to break any glass to do it?
Mr. Truly.
No, sir. The car gate and then there was an outside gate slatted---slats about this far apart.
Mr. Mccloy.
When you entered the building with the officer behind you, when you were presumably trying to get to the roof, there had been no cordon at that time thrown around the building?
Mr. Truly.
No, sir.
Mr. Mccloy.
So that Oswald could have slipped out without an officer having been at the doorway at that point?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir; I think so. There were many officers running down west of the building. It appears many people thought the shots came from there because of the echo or what.
Mr. Dulles.
Is it your view he went out the front door rather than one of the back doors?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir; it is. From the nature. from the direction he was walking through the office, and the front stairway, to reach the second floor--it is my view that he walked down the front stairs and just out through the crowd there, probably a minute or two before the police had everything stopped.
Mr. Mccloy.
From what you know of these young men who testified before you today, are they trustworthy?
Mr. Truly.
Yes, sir; I think they are. They are good men. They have been with me, most of them, for some time. I have no reason to doubt their word. I do know that they have been rather, as the expression goes, shook up about this thing, especially this tall one, Bonnie Williams. He is pretty superstitious, I would say. For 2 or 3 weeks the work was not normal, or a month. The boys did not put out their normal amount of work. Their hearts were not in it. But after that, they have picked up very well. They are doing their work well.
Mr. Belin.
If we can go off the record for just a moment.
(Discussion off the record.)
The Chairman.
Back on the record.
Mr. Truly.
I thank you very much.
The Chairman.
Thank you, sir. You have helped us a good deal. We will recess at this time until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
(Whereupon, at 6 p.m. the President's Commission recessed.)
The Chairman.
Wednesday, March 25, 1964

Testimony of Marrion L. , Mrs. Robert A. Reid, Luke Baker

The Chairman.
The President's Commission met at 9:50 a.m. on March 25, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Hale Boggs, Representative Gerald R. Ford, and Allen W. Dulles, members.
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