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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 280« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Robert A. Reid)

Mrs. Reid.
The only thing I have heard anybody say was he never talked to anybody, he always went about his business, that is the only thing I heard the employees say.
Mr. Belin.
Did you ever hear anyone say that he might have been friendly with at least one other employee?
Mrs. Reid.
No; I have not.
Mr. Dulles.
Did the employees discuss him at all among themselves?
Mrs. Reid.
You mean prior to this?
Mr. Dulles.
Prior, during the period he was employed there?
Mrs. Reid.
Mr. Dulles.
At the Book Depository?
Mrs. Reid.
I never heard it.
Mr. Dulles.
They did not discuss him in your presence, the office employees?
Mrs. Reid.
Well, the office employees and the warehouse employees are not connected. We talk to them, naturally some of them have been there a long time.
Mr. Dulles.
Was it your usual practice to take lunch in the lunchroom on the second floor?
Mrs. Reid.
Yes, it is; every day.
Mr. Dulles.
Do you recall whether it was Lee Harvey Oswald's usual practice or how many times possibly you saw him there at lunch with you and the others?
Mrs. Reid.
You mean did he come up every day? No, he did not.
Mr. Dulles.
Would you think he came up half the days or could you give any--half the working days?
Mrs. Reid.
No; I wouldn't say he came that often. I can't recall seeing him up there but three times. We have said since then, since he sat there and didn't say anything and was reading we have often wondered what we discussed before him because we all have a general conversation every day at noon but I don't know we would have said anything that interested him.
But you wondered was he listening to what we were saying, I don't know whether he heard anything but he may have heard what we-were saying.
Mr. Dulles.
You, of course, knew that Lee Harvey Oswald was an employee of the School Book Depository?
Mrs. Reid.
You mean by name before this happened?
Mr. Dulles.
That the individual that you later knew was Oswald was one of the employees of the school book?
Mrs. Reid.
Yes, because I had seen him working in the building.
Mr. Dulles.
Yes. Attorney General Carr, do you have any questions?
Mr. Carr.
Mrs. Reid, have you had occasion to visit with any of Oswald's relatives, his wife or mother?
Mrs. Reid.
Mr. Carr.
Have they been in there since that date to look over the premises?
Mrs. Reid.
His mother has been but I didn't see her. She didn't go any further than the first floor I understand, but I have never seen her other than these pictures.
Mr. Dulles.
Is it usual for the employees of the depository to have friends visit them during office hours or would that be an unusual practice?
Mrs. Reid.
No; that would not be unusual. Family or somebody wanted to drop by to see you they never have objected to that.
Mr. Belin.
I think the record should show we are offering in evidence this morning, Mr. Dulles, Commission Exhibit 507 which is the diagram of the seventh floor which Officer Baker testified to.
Mr. Dulles.
You want that admitted now?
Mr. Belin.
We want that admitted now.
Mr. Dulles.
No objection. It will be admitted.
(The diagram referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 507 for identification and received in evidence.)
Mr. Belin.
I think those are all the questions we have of Mrs. Reid.
We want to thank you very much for your cooperation in coming up here, Mrs. Reid.
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