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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 108« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Robert Roeder Shaw)

Mr. Specter.
elliptical in shape. The skin edges of this wound were incised excised, I beg your pardon--I have to go back just a little bit.
Prior to examination of this wound, a stab wound was made at the angle of the scapula to place a drain in the subscapular space. In the examination of the wound of entrance, the examining finger could determine that this drain was immediately under the wound of entrance, so that it was adequately draining the space.
Two sutures were placed in the facia of the muscle, and the skin was closed with interrupted vertical matching sutures of black silk.
That concluded the operation. Both tubes were connected to a water seal bottle, and the dressing was applied.
Mr. Specter.
Who was in charge then of the subsequent care on the Governor's wrist?
Dr. SHAW. Dr. Charles Gregory who had been previously alerted and then came in to take care of the wrist.
Mr. Specter.
Now, with respect to the wound on the wrist, did you have any opportunity to examine it by way of determining points of entry and exit?
Dr. SHAW. My examination of the wrist was a very cursory one. I could tell that there was a compound comminuted fracture because there was motion present, and there was a ragged wound just over the radius above the wrist joint. But that was the extent of my examination of the wrist.
Mr. Specter.
Dr. Shaw, did I take your deposition at Parkland Memorial Hospital on March 23 of 1964?
Dr. SHAW. Yes; you did.
Mr. Specter.
Has that deposition been made available to you?
Dr. SHAW. Yes.
Mr. Specter.
To you here this afternoon?
Dr. SHAW. Yes.
Mr. Specter.
Have you subsequent to the giving of that deposition on March 23, 1964, had an opportunity to examine Governor Connally's clothing which we have available in the Commission room here today?
Dr. SHAW. Yes.
Mr. Specter.
Now, based on all facts now within your knowledge, is there any modification which you would care to make in terms of the views which you expressed about entrance and exit wounds back on March 23, based on the information which was available to you at that time?
Dr. SHAW. From an examination of the clothing, it is very obvious that the wound of entrance was through the coat sleeve.
Mr. Specter.
While you are testifying in that manner, perhaps it would be helpful if we would make available to you the actual Jacket, if it pleases the Commission.
We shall reserve Exhibits Nos. 681 for the X-ray of November 22; 682 for the X-ray of November 29; and we shall now mark a photograph of the coat for our permanent records as "Commission Exhibit No. 683".
Dr. Shaw, I hand you at this time what purports to be the coat worn by Governor Connally, which we introduce subject to later proof when Governor Connally appears later this afternoon; and, for the record, I ask you first of all if this photograph, designated as Commission Exhibit No. 683, is a picture of this suit coat?
Dr. SHAW. It is.
Mr. Specter.
I had interrupted you when you started to refer to the hole in the sleeve of the coat. Will you proceed with what you were testifying about there?
Dr. SHAW. The hole in the sleeve of the coat is within hall a centimeter of the very edge of the sleeve, and lies----
Mr. Dulles.
This is the right sleeve, is it not?
Dr. SHAW. I am sorry, yea Thank you. Of the right sleeve, and places it, if the coat sleeve was in the same position, assuming it is in the same position that my coat sleeve is in, places it directly over the lateral portion of the wrist, really not directly on the volar or the dorsum of the surface of the wrist,
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