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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 150« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. John Bowden , Jr. Connally)

The Chairman.
Wednesday, April 22, 1964

Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry, J. W. Fritz, T. L. , Baker

Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry

The Chairman.
The President's Commission met at 9:10 a.m. on April 22, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.
Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Senator John Sherman Cooper, Representative Gerald R. Ford, John J. McCloy, and Allen W. Dulles, members.
Also present were 3. Lee Rankin, general counsel; Joseph A. Ball, assistant counsel; David W. Belin, assistant counsel; Melvin Aron Eisenberg, assistant counsel; Leon D. Hubert, Jr., assistant counsel; Norman Redlich, assistant counsel; Charles Murray, observer; Waggoner Carr, attorney general of Texas; and Dean Robert G. Storey, special counsel to the attorney general of Texas.
Jessy Edward Curry
The Chairman.
The Commission will come to order.
Chief, we have asked you to come here this morning, you and some of your officers, for the purpose of taking their testimony concerning the matters surrounding the arrest and the death of Lee Oswald at the time of the assassination of the President.
I think we will take the testimony of you, Captain Fritz, Lieutenant Day, and Lieutenant Baker. I want to say to you, Chief, before I leave, I will have to leave after an hour or so in order to sit on some cases we are hearing in the Supreme Court but I want to say to you beforehand that our staff was very much pleased with the cooperation that it received from your people when they were down in Dallas, and from the help that you personally gave to them, and made it very helpful, they were very helpful, and we did need to have speed at that particular time, because, as you know, we were obliged to wait until the Ruby trial was over before we could come down there at all.
So, we appreciate the assistance that your people gave us throughout that proceeding.
Now, would you please rise, Chief, and raise your right hand to be sworn.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Curry.
I do.
The Chairman.
Mr. Rankin, our Chief Counsel, will interrogate you, Chief. Mr. Rankin, will you proceed?
Mr. Rankin.
Yes; Mr. Chief Justice.
Chief Curry, you gave deposition for the Commission recently, did you not?
Mr. Curry.
Yes; I did, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
That was about April 15, 1964?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Rankin.
And that was down in Dallas that you gave it?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir; it was.
Mr. Rankin.
And Mr. Hubert examined you?
Mr. Curry.
That is true.
Mr. Rankin.
That was taken down by a court reporter?
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir,
Mr. Rankin.
Do you have anything to add to what you said at that time or wish to correct it in any way?
Mr. Curry.
I can't recall of anything that I should correct or add to.
Mr. Rankin.
I ask you those questions in a general way, we will go back to certain parts of that but I would like to proceed at this time in view of the fact that the Chief Justice and possibly other members of the Commission who will come may not be able to be here all the time that you are being examined and I would like to get to certain crucial matters if I may.
When did you learn of the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald?
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