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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 472« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Patrick , Jr. Hosty)

Mr. Mccloy.
Is this anticipating something you have got?
Mr. Stern.
Mr. Hosty.
This interview took place quite a bit after the assassination. did talk to Mr. Truly about I believe it was in January or February of 1964, and it concerned the time that he, Mr. Truly, was aware of the fact that there would be a parade through downtown Dallas. And his recollection was that he was not aware of the fact ,that the motorcade would pass in front of his building until shortly before noon on the 21st when an article appeared in the Dallas Times Herald.
Now the Dallas Times Herald appears on the street at approximately 10:30 a.m., and Mr. Truly said shortly before noon someone from his office saw this article and mentioned it to the office employees and said they all became excited, and this was apparently the first time anyone at the Texas School Book Depository realized the motorcade was going to pass directly in front of their building.
Representative Ford.
This was Thursday?
Mr. Hosty.
Thursday before, yes. It was shortly before noon.
Representative Ford.
The 21st?
Mr. Hosty.
On the 21st of November, yes.
Mr. Mccloy.
But according to your recollection of what he said, all the employees were excited and became aware of the fact that the motorcade----
Mr. Hosty.
At that time.
Mr. Mccloy.
At that time was going to pass the School Book Depository.
Mr. Hosty.
Mr. Mccloy.
Did you notice that Oswald said in the course of his interview by Captain Fritz that he had not had a rifle but he had seen a rifle in the Possession of Mr. Truly?
Mr. Hosty.
Mr. Mccloy.
Did you interrogate Mr. Truly about that?
Mr. Hosty.
No, I didn't.
Mr. Mccloy.
Do you know whether anyone else did?
Mr. Hosty.
I can't say for certain, no.
(Discussion off the record )
Mr. Mccloy.
Back on the record.
Do you know, Mr. Rankin, whether or not Mr. Truly has been interviewed on this subject?
Mr. Rankin.
It has been reported to me by the staff that he has.
Mr. Mccloy.
Does he deny it, do you know?
Mr. Rankin.
He denies it.
Mr. Mccloy.
He denies it?
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Mccloy.
But we have no deposition from him in that regard as yet.
Mr. Belin.
No; we do not.
Senator COOPER. May I ask first as to Exhibit No. 830, you have it?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Does that represent statements made to you?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. On November 5, did Mrs. Ruth Paine tell you that she thought Lee Oswald was an illogical person?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. And that he admitted to her being a Trotskyite Communist?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Did you know that he had engaged in this Fair Play for Cuba demonstration in New Orleans and had been arrested?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. You were told on November 1 that he was employed at the Texas School Book Depository?
Mr. Hosty.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Had you checked there to see if he was employed?
Mr. Hosty.
I made a pretext interview on the 4th.
Senator COOPER On what day?
Mr. Hosty.
The 4th of November.
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