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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 254« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Henry Wade)

Mr. Dulles.
the various interrogations of Oswald from the time he was captured to the time of his killing?
Mr. Wade.
If there are any, I have never seen them. I have asked for them, but you are dealing with a man who not only doesn't make transcripts, but doesn't even make notes. Captain Fritz is the one who interrogated him most of the time, and if you--if there is any written evidence of what he said it must be from the FBI or the Secret Service or someone who interviewed him. I assume they make a record of what he said to them.
Mr. Dulles.
If any transcript was made we would have had it, would we not? So far as you know?
Mr. Wade.
The only thing I know I never have seen one, and I don't have one of an interview, and I don't know of any--you should have it, but you are dealing with Fritz there who interviewed Ruby, and Melvin Belli went right into the conversation with Ruby, and Belli at 4 o'clock that afternoon made everything admissible, and we couldn't get a thing, couldn't put Fritz on the stand because he couldn't remember anything that was helpful. I mean, he could remember Ruby rambling around the situation, but I don't know of any transcript like that that I have that you don't have.
Mr. Dulles.
In your talks, going hack to your talks, with Mr. Carter at the White House----
Mr. Wade.
Garter; yes.
Mr. Dulles.
Garter--did any questions come up in these conversations about not raising the issue that he was a Communist or that there might be a conspiracy or something of that kind?
Mr. Wade.
No, sir; that conversation, I'm rather sure sometime Friday afternoon, and he called me and said, "Are they making any progress on the case?" You see, Cliff Garter and I are close. personal friends. I have known him, and they were all upset, and I said, "I don't know. I have heard they have got some pretty good evidence." I think that is the only conversation I had with him.
Somebody told me, Mr. Carr, I believe, or Barefoot Sanders, that they had had some conversations with some Washington officials, and I have got an impression it was the State Department, but it might have been--that they--concerning the international conspiracy angle. I didn't discuss it because it was silly, I mean the whole thing was a silly deal.
I mean, if you would prove he was a Communist, suppose he gave a statement he was a Communist, I wouldn't have put that in a murder charge because I had to prove it.
Mr. Dulles.
That is all I have, Mr. Chief Justice.
The Chairman.
I think that is all, Mr. Wade. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Mr. Wade.
I appreciate what you all are doing and your problems you have got up here. I know if I were in your place I would hate to listen to somebody like me talk 5 hours.
The Chairman.
All right. We will recess until 2 o'clock.
(Whereupon, at 12:50 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)

Patrick T. Dean
Afternoon Session

Testimony of Patrick T. Dean

The President's Commission reconvened at 2 p.m.
(Chairman Warren presiding and Mr. Dulles present.)
The Chairman.
All right, gentlemen.
Do you have a statement?
Mr. Rankin.
Sergeant Dean asked if he couldn't appear before the Commission and testify. We took his deposition in Dallas, and he asked, when he signed his
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