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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 428« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Alan Surrey)

Representative Boggs.
What was the allegation in the cease and desist orderwhich was issued against you by the Dallas newspaper?
Mr. Survey.
That this would be in competition to a book which they were going to promote--I believe the AP. At the time--the Osburns had this, and they were gathering it together, and they brought it over one day, and it looked like a real good idea. Other people had stacks and stacks of papers. And this was a compilation of clippings of the paper. And everybody thought it was such a good idea that we thought we would publish it. So I got it into brownline form, which is a proof, a preliminary proof--silver prints, you may call them in Washington.
The Chairman.
For how much did you sell these books a copy?
Mr. Surrey.
We gave them free to our presubscriber list.
The Chairman.
I didn't ask you that.
Mr. Surrey.
They were $5 per copy.
The Chairman.
And how many did you say you sold?
Mr. Surrey.
About 900 to a 1,000.
The Chairman.
What happened to the money?
Mr. Surrey.
It was put into the American Eagle Publishing Co. account.
The Chairman.
Do you have a regular bookkeeping system?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir.
The Chairman.
And those figures would be available, showing how many you had sold, would they?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir.
The Chairman.
In your books?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes, sir.
Representative Boggs.
Is the American Eagle Publishing Co. an incorporated company?
Mr. Surrey.
Representative Boggs.
What is it?
Mr. Surrey.
Partnership, sir.
Representative Boggs.
Who are the partners?
Mr. Surrey.
Myself and General Walker.
Representative Boggs.
And this presubscription list, how many people on that?
Mr. Surrey.
I would say 700, 800.
Representative Boggs.
You publish a newspaper?
Mr. Surrey.
No; we don't.
Representative Boggs.
What do you publish besides this book?
Mr. Surrey.
Mr. Jenner.
You receive part of your income from the American Eagle Publishing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
No; I do not.
Mr. Jenner.
You serve as president, but you receive no compensation for that?
Mr. Surrey.
That is true.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you tell us, please, the address of the American Eagle Publishing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
P.O. Box 750, Dallas 21.
Mr. Jenner.
It has no physical office itself--just the pest office address?
Mr. Surrey.
That is correct. That mail comes to my desk at Johnson Printing Co. That is the same post office box as Johnson Printing Co.
Mr. Jenner.
I see. And where do you keep---where does American Publishing Co. warehouse or keep or store its pamphlets and books?
Mr. Surrey.
4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Mr. Walker's residence. I have a room.
Mr. Jenner.
That is General Walker's residence?
Mr. Surrey.
The Chairman.
That is General Walker's residence?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; it is.
The Chairman.
Who owns the Johnson Printing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
It is--the stock is split, four or five different people.
The Chairman.
A corporation?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; it is.
The Chairman.
Who are they?
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