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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 178« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Marilyn Dorothea Murret)

Mr. Liebeler.
graduates, and so forth, a dog's life, because they had a certain manner about them, you know, where they just automatically thought they knew more just because they had a degree. Lee didn't have a degree or anything like that, but I think he was much more intelligent than the grades obviously indicated, although, as I said, I never really discussed anything with him. My theory of it was that he was intelligent, and so that type of person is usually disliked by this other group. And I don't know if that--that is as clear as mud, I guess, or actually he stayed with a certain class because his finances only allowed him to be with that particular group, probably, and he didn't like them.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you thought that was very much of a problem?
Miss MURRET. Right; and even though he didn't have any money, he was a different type child, you know. I mean, like I am saying, he was not a rough type of child, or anything like that, since certainly on Exchange Alley he had a lot of opportunity to deviate from the right path, you know. But he never went into any of those barrooms or pool halls, or anything like that, you know. I guess, the other ones, he just didn't have the money to keep up with, but his mother reared him to be like that. And I guess he could live within himself, because he trained himself like that. I mean he never played with the other kids, and when he came home from school he read, and whether he was always reading this stuff, I don't know, but, anyway, he read everything.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever have any knowledge or had you heard that he was reading anything on Marxism or communism?
Miss MURRET. I don't know anything about that unless--anyhow, he was trained, and he would read encyclopedias like somebody else would read a novel, and that is how he was trained.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you think now, with the information that you have, both from reading newspapers and also coupled with the knowledge of Lee Oswald, do you think Lee Oswald actually did kill the President?
Miss MURRET. All the evidence points to him, but he just never struck me as capable of that particular act. I never thought he would be--I never thought he was that maladjusted to want to prove to the world that he could commit such an act for any personal gratification, unless, as I am saying, somebody else was with him. But then, I don't think he was--well, he was such a quiet type, that probably nobody else could ever get through to him.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did this impression that you have of Lee change any when you heard he had been involved in this street fracas in connection with the Fair Play for Cuba pamphlets that he was giving out, leaflets, and had some difficulty out in the street?
Miss MURRET. Well, then, after that, I said, this kid--well, I just thought he was probably harmless, and just then I said, well, he is just doing this because why would he go marching, exposed all over Canal Street, and he voluntarily goes to be interviewed. So, I mean, that type, I probably thought he was harmless. And he was just shooting his mouth off. I mean, he didn't deny anything----
Mr. Liebeler.
And that didn't seem inconsistent with the proposition that he was a loner, and it doesn't, really, but it didn't seem inconsistent to you?
Miss MURRET. I don't understand what you mean.
Mr. Liebeler.
You said the fellow was pretty quiet?
Miss MURRET. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
And he stayed pretty much to himself?
Miss MURRET. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
And then here you find him in the street handing out leaflets in connection with Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and did you hear that he was a member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee here in New Orleans?
Miss MURRET. No; he said that after on television, or all of that came out after. He must have been interviewed by WDSU shortly thereafter; however----
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't know?
Miss MURRET. I don't know whether they showed that the first time, and they reran all of that after the assassination, but, you know, it was because my family had told me---well, the policeman had told my sister, well, that a lot of these people do that around here, and it is not against the law, just the fact
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