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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 143« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Paul Roderick Gregory)

Mr. Gregory.
might have had pictures of Leningrad, I am not sure. And then this evening there was something said about their trip back, how they passed through Poland and Germany. And then my father wanted to know how, what Marina thought of Russia, if it had changed after all the years. And that was the general tone of the conversation.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you remember any details of the conversation about the Oswalds' life in Russia?
Mr. Gregory.
At this time I did not. Later on we had quite a bit of discussion about it, but not this time.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you go through the period of time that you knew the Oswalds, and to the best of your recollection tell us the approximate number of times that you saw them and the circumstances under which you saw them, and the dates that you can remember, from the first time you met them at Robert Oswald's house at Fort Worth, to the last time that you saw them?
Mr. Gregory.
Okay. We have already gone through the first meeting, and right after the first meeting I left town for about a month. I visited in San Francisco. I returned and then we decided it would be a good idea if I would take Russian lessons from Marina, and it would be, quite a big help.
Therefore, the second time I saw them was in June, the middle of June, a month, and to the 10th of August, let's say, just as a guess, we went over to their house, my father and I.
We had to go somewhere, and therefore we only stayed for about ten minutes. And we said, "Paul would like to take Russian lessons from Marina," and she said, "Fine." And I set up dates to go twice a week, I think Tuesdays and Thursdays, or Tuesdays and Fridays--I can't remember the exact dates. Therefore, I was at their house two times a week from, say, the middle of August until I went back to school which was in the middle of September.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you also present at the dinner which your father gave for the Oswalds?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who else was present at that dinner?
Mr. Gregory.
Myself, my father, the Oswalds, George Bouhe, Anna Meller, her husband, I can't remember his first name; then Mrs. Clark and Mr. Clark. I can't give you their first names.
Mr. Liebeler.
You clearly remember that they were there?
Mr. Gregory.
I think they were there. I could be mistaken. There is a possibility they weren't. I can't remember exactly.
Usually, the reason is, whenever we have the Russians over, they were there. Now that I think about it, they weren't, because I believe my mother was the only one that didn't understand, and Mrs. Clark's husband didn't understand Russian. Therefore, I guess they weren't there. Then my mother was there and June Lee was there.
Mr. Liebeler.
The Oswalds' little girl?
Mr. Gregory.
Yes. I believe that was all. And I saw them once more, if you are interested. That was probably the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving of 1962.
Marina called up. I was home for vacation. And she said that she and Lee were at Robert Oswald's house for Thanksgiving dinner, or something, and she wanted me to come over and pick them up and have the visit, and I would take them down to the bus station, because they rode the bus over from Dallas.
They had since then moved to Dallas. And I went and picked them up and brought them back to our house and we had sandwiches, and I took them down to the bus station, and that was the last time I saw them.
Mr. Liebeler.
You just left them off at the bus station and they went and got on the bus, and as far as you know, went back to Dallas?
Mr. Gregory.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
You didn't pay for the bus tickets, did you?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
You let them off at the bus station in Fort Worth?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
You let them--did you ever give any money to either Lee or Marina Oswald?
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