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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 157« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Paul Roderick Gregory)

Mr. Liebeler.
Did you consider this question prior to the assassination? The question is, tell us in your own words what opinion you formed of Oswald and what you thought about him at the time you knew him in 1962?
Mr. Gregory.
I never minded him. I always enjoyed being with him. I enjoyed Marina more than Lee. She was a very pleasant person, very pleasant to be with, interesting. I can't say that I disliked Lee. He had bad qualities, but I mean, when we were together, I think he more or less put on his best front, because I think he considered me someone he could talk to. Because I think he considered other people beneath him, and he thought that everyone was judging him.
I think he felt that his brother--this is a personal opinion--that they were sort of taking him in out of the goodness of their hearts.
And I never expressed any judgment on it or even asked him or faced the matter as to why he had done what he did. Therefore, our relations were always good. But still I classified him as hot tempered, not very smart, and slightly mixed up. And I am sure about a good many other examples, but I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Mr. Liebeler.
When you are saying not very smart, are you talking about what your impression of what his intelligence or what his level of education?
Mr. Gregory.
I am thinking of academic sense, inability to grasp things.
Mr. Liebeler.
Basically a function of his IQ rather than his formal education?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you ever interested in his formal education, or make any inquiries on that?
Mr. Gregory.
Yes; I was interested in it as to whether he finished high school, and that he had expressed to me desire to go on in higher education.
Mr. Liebeler.
We have already covered that.
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he ever indicate to you, or did you ever form the opinion, that he was capable of violent acts?
Mr. Gregory.
No; I didn't think he was. I would say maybe I could only picture him getting into a fight or something. Judging from the type of person he was, if someone would insult him, I think he would get into a fight, but as far as the major violent act, I couldn't picture him doing.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you consider that question prior to the time of the assassination?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
It Just never occurred to you?
Mr. Gregory.
No. Just an automatic judgment like I make, a general judgment about all people, I figured he was the type person, if you go downtown with him and someone would say, would insult him, he would probably get into a fight or something like that. That is just my general judgment of him. He never did in my presence, or nothing ever happened. It is just a general judgment.
Mr. Liebeler.
The kind of judgment you would make about many people, is it not?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
There never was anything peculiar about Oswald that caused you to form a peculiar judgment about him or think he was peculiar in any way?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
But he was the kind that easily flared up, although he never did it in your presence, he was the type that would, and you did think that about Oswald?
Mr. Gregory.
Yes. But as far as any violence, I couldn't picture him.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Oswald ever indicate to you that the world situation was not due to the people in the world, but was caused by the leaders in the various countries?
Mr. Gregory.
I think so. Once or twice he made that exact statement, and I can't remember if it was Marina or Lee. That is the exact words.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was that translated into any animosity against the leaders of the two countries, either Khrushchev or Kennedy?
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