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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 202« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
I did not have to go, but I did some work right there in Dallas examined the geological work and made suggestions.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. And eventually----
Mr. Jenner.
You did travel to Mexico?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; many, many times.
Mr. Jenner.
In connection with that work.
Mr. Jenner.
Tell us about that.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, in Cuba---I traveled in Cuba before Castro, during the Batista days. The ex-president of Pantitec Oil Co. formed the Cuban-Venezuela Oil Co., a development--a land development to promote eventually a large oil drilling campaign in Cuba. He almost owned about half of the whole country under lease. This was during the Batista days. He invited me to come there and look the situation over, and make recommendations. And so I visited the fields there, and his office that--type of job that I had from time to time.
Mr. Jenner.
I want to get the countries now. Cuba----
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Cuba, Mexico, Ghana----
Mr. Jenner.
These are your travels now?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. That is where I actually went.
Mr. Jenner.
That is what I want to know.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Ghana, Nigeria, Togoland, and France.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, all of this was in connection with the work you were doing with respect to oil exploration and gas exploration and development for what group?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. For No. 1--for Charmex. Then Cuban Venezuelan Trust--that is Warren Smith Co. Then the Three States Oil and Gas Co. in Dallas.
Mr. Jenner.
Now--were there some other companies?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; then Lehman Trading Corp. in New York. I may have had other jobs, but they escape me now. But they were all consulting jobs for clients of mine either from Texas or from New York. And then in 1957 those foreign jobs led to my being pretty well known in that field. I was contacted by Core Lab in Dallas in regard to a job in Yugoslavia.
Mr. Jenner.
Tell us about that. That was for----
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. That was for ICA--a job for ICA and for the Yugoslav Government.
Mr. Jenner.
Tell us what ICA is.
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. International Cooperation Administration here in Washington--which wanted an oil and gas specialist to go to Yugoslavia and help them develop oil resources under the I don't know--some kind of government deal. Under this----
Mr. Jenner.
Did a man named Charles Mitchell accompany you?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes---George Mitchell.
Mr. Jenner.
And his wife?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; I found him because he was a geophysicists. In other words, I did the geology and petroleum engineering, and he did pure geophysics. The ICA needed two men. I looked over the country for somebody who was capable and willing to go to Yugoslavia, and found George Mitchell in Dallas, and eventually both of us went there.
Mr. Jenner.
You were single at this time?
Mr. Jenner.
And he was married?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. He was married.
Mr. Jenner.
And his wife accompanied him?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. She did; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
This was for the International Cooperation Administration?
Mr. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Washington 25, D.C.
The Yugoslavian Government paid my living expenses there, and the ICA paid my salary.
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