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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 29« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Thomas M. (Natalie) Ray)

At this time we been working for Americans, soldiers. something in kitchen or different something, just for food until we be able to go back to Russia and I met my husband and when I met him, well, I lost all contact with home and been told there's nobody at home, no place to go and my husband tell me that I can marry American man and I said, "No, I cannot marry American man because Russia will not permit me to marry" and we did have lots of difficulty to get marry and my husband went to Paris, France, to have permission that they let us marry but they not let him see nobody, just asking where I am. I have to hide at this time because Russia pickling up and sending all back to Russia, and my husband find me room in Germany where I have to stay until we get married. Well, they-- Russians don't give me permission for me to get marry and later on I have to go up and became as a displaced person and in 1945, there, U.S. Government said could marry to displaced person and I marry my husband in May 1945. Yeah, I guess 1945 or 1946--let me see, yeah, in 1945 because or 1946, I guess, I'm sorry.

Mr. Liebeler.
You were both in Germany at the time?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; my husband and I used to travel when war still going on, you know, they move and I move with him; that will be something come. We go to Frankfurt; I went with him to Frankfurt. If he have to move I go with him. Three Russian girls, us, together, and I did in 1946, I guess, I marry. I forget now when, I am very sorry.
Mr. Liebeler.
That's all right; that's not important.
Mrs. Ray.
War ended in 1945 and year later I married; that's in 1946, I'm sorry.
Mr. Liebeler.
And then you came to the United States with your husband, is that correct?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; well, we stay year in Germany after we marry.
Mr. Liebeler.
Then when he left Germany you came back to the United States?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; I go with him.
Mr. Liebeler.
Are you an American citizen now?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; I am.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever meet Lee Oswald or Marina Oswald?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; I met them at this party.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you tell us about that in your own words; just tell us how you came to the party and how you met Oswald and to tile best of your recollection just how it happened.
Mrs. Ray.
Well, I wrote short stories for magazine and Mrs. Harris, Zena Harris, Ed Harris from Georgetown read that story and find my address and found me Russian. Until this time I never been have any--nobody there from Russian and I don't have not nobody.
Mr. Liebeler.
You had no contact with Russian speaking people?
Mrs. Ray.
No; except some friend in New York what we used to live in Germany together and we write each other Mrs. Harris called me on phone and said that--"I know you are Russian and I like to talk to you." I said, "Well, I am glad to know somebody Russian, just about forget how to talk to Russian." She said she like to come over and see me. I tell her she welcome to it. They did come visit us and she told me that they always get together in Dallas, lots of Russian girls and Russian men have a party and she like for me to come to this party. I said, "Well, I like to know, you know, more people Russian" because I never have contact with nobody. Well, she calling on phone from my house to Mr. Ford, Declan Ford and talk to his wife and tell her, said, "I found one Russian" and said "I like for her to coming to this party." They already planned this party. She asked her time when it's going to be. She said on Friday--Friday, I kind of think 29 before New Year and she said she welcome to it and said we going to have one Russian girl what just come back from Russia. She said she just coming with man in United States.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mrs. Ford told you this, is that right?
Mrs. Ray.
Mrs. Ford, yeah, she said she had girl what going to be at this party that just come back from Russia. Well, it's home and you like to hear what is going on, any change, still same or, you know----
Mr. Liebeler.
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