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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 40« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Thomas M. Ray)

Mr. Ray.
Yes, and, actually, the arrangements for us to come along were made from our home. Mrs.---Ed's wife, Mrs. Harris called Mrs. Ford from our house and found out, you know, when the party was going to be and made arrangements to bring us along, or at least told her that we were coming or something. I don't understand this Russian that goes on when they start talking Russian. I don't know everything that was said but that's the way we happened to be at the party. We went along with the Harrises from Georgetown; at least we met them in Dallas and went to the party with them and that was the party that was on Friday night and we stayed over Saturday and we went back to the Ford's on Saturday night and then some--and visited awhile and stayed over until Sunday and Sunday afternoon we visited some other people that were at the party. But the only time I had any contact whatsoever with Oswald was at the party and frankly, I vaguely remember meeting him because when there's quite a few people at a party like that you don't get acquainted with all of them. I got acquainted with a few but I didn't get acquainted with Oswald or his wife.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember any conversation that you had with Oswald at all?
Mr. Ray.
Nothing at all, no conversation at all, just no more than a handshake or something like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
You did not form any impression of him that you can remember at the moment, is that correct?
Mr. Ray.
No; I did not.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember anything about his wife Marina Oswald?
Mr. Ray.
The only thing I remember about her is when I met her, she was kind of small and she didn't speak any English so there I couldn't have any conversation with her in Russian and that's as far as it went.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you try to talk to her in English?
Mr. Ray.
Oh, I might have said a few words but I do not recall.
Mr. Liebeler.
It was clear to you that she did not understand English, is that correct?
Mr. Ray.
That is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now, did you notice anything peculiar or out of the ordinary about Oswald's actions at this party that appeared so to you?
Mr. Ray.
Well, frankly, I just didn't pay much attention to the guy. I wasn't around him very much.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did there come a time over the weekend either at the Ford party or following the Ford party where the Oswalds were discussed in your presence?
Mr. Ray.
There was a time, yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where was that, do you remember?
Mr. Ray.
That was at the home of--I believe their name is Meller or Miller.
Mr. Liebeler.
M-e-l-l-e-r [spelling], would that be right?
Mr. Ray.
Well, now the lady's name was Anna Meller and her husband was----
Mr. Liebeler.
Would it be T-e-o-f-i-l [spelling]?
Mr. Ray.
Yes; something like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who was there at this time?
Mr. Ray.
Of course, we were there, Natalie and I and the Harrises and Meller and her husband and it seems like this lady from Houston was there. I believe she was from Houston.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember her name?
Mr. Ray.
No; I don't now.
Mr. Liebeler.
B-i-g-g-e-r-s [spelling]; does that ring a bell with you?
Mr. Ray.
What was the first name?
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Ray.
Yes, I believe she was there that Sunday afternoon. I believe she was.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was anybody else there; do you remember George Bouhe?
Mr. Ray.
Oh, yeah; George was there. I was trying to think. I got acquainted with George. He's one I got acquainted with.
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