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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 42« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Thomas M. Ray)

Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember if there was a conversation going on in Russian while you were there or did they speak in English--the people that were at the house?
Mr. Ray.
Most of it was in English; now I am sure there was some Russian conversation going on because Ed Harris' wife irritates me to death with her Russian. If she starts talking to my wife, it's Russian and it just--I just get the drift of the conversation and that's all. I mean it is very rude the way she goes about it. She enjoys talking to Natalie and Natalie enjoys talking to her in Russian but it kind of leaves Ed and I out when we are together.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember whether the group came to any conclusion on this question as to whether Oswald might have been an agent? I don't want you to testify to something that you don't remember but do you remember whether the point was made that Oswald did not appear to have good connections here and he had trouble getting a job and holding a job and he did not appear to be a responsible individual and for these reasons, these reasons would lead you to conclude that he probably was not a Russian agent. Do you remember any conversation along these lines?
Mr. Ray.
There could have been because I believe that was discussed and I believe George Bouhe might have said that he was such a nut that the Russians would not want him or something like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
When you say you believe is that that you have a faint recollection to that effect, is that what you mean when you say you believe?
Mr. Ray.
I have a faint recollection of discussing that possibility, see.
Mr. Liebeler.
When you say you believe what you are really saying is that it seems likely that this might have been discussed or it is probable that it was discussed but you do not have any firm recollection?
Mr. Ray.
No; I do not have any firm recollection about it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you and your wife have any discussions about the Oswalds after you left Dallas and went back to Blossom or to Detroit prior to the assassination?
Mr. Ray.
I am sure we did but at the time of the assassination I had completely forgotten, you know, that the guy even existed but I am sure we talked about it.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't have any recollection of what your conversation might have been?
Mr. Ray.
I know my wife was concerned because they let him back in the country.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she tell you why she was concerned?
Mr. Ray.
Well, she was kind of afraid he might be a Russian spy, that they might have sent him back for something.
Mr. Liebeler.
She expressed that feeling to you?
Mr. Ray.
Mr. Liebeler.
Let's go up to the date of the assassination. Do you recall any conversations with your wife at that time about Oswald's involvement in the assassination or his alleged involvement in the assassination?
Mr. Ray.
Well, I was working that day, of course, and by the time I got home it was all on television, you know, and they had captured Oswald and she had seen his picture on television and she told me that was the guy we met at the party. I said "What guy?" She said, "Oh, you know, the guy that married the Russian girl and came back over, you know, brought her back." Well, of course, I remembered that but she sometimes misunderstands things and I thought possibly that she could be mistaken, see. She told me "That's the guy that killed the President. I saw him on television and they said he is the one that killed the President." Well, I still thought perhaps she could be mistaken and so the next morning I had her find these names and addresses of these people and I called this George Bouhe and asked him if that was the guy that we thought it was. He said "Yes, it was" and we had a short conversation and he told me he had been out to get a newspaper and said it was all in the papers and I could read about it. But, at the time I called him he didn't remember me just right quick. I mean a year had gone by, a year or more had gone by or maybe it wasn't quite a year or something like that but I had to tell him who I
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