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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 436« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Michael R. Paine)

Mr. Paine.
stopped on her way back to Texas, stopped in New Orleans to see them, and found that Lee was out of work again, and picked up Marina at that time and brought her back to Dallas which was the end of September, and Marina then and her child stayed there and had another child, and stayed there until the assassination. And about a week later Marina was there for about a week before Lee called up, and I guess Lee came out.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you there when he came out?
Mr. Paine.
I don't remember. I would come normally, I was not living at the house at the time, and I would normally appear on, regularly on, Fridays, and generally some other day in the week, I think it was a Wednesday, Tuesday or Wednesday, for supper.
So I would have seen him if it was a Friday but I don't happen to recall the particular occasion. I think perhaps I wasn't there because I recall Ruth telling me how glad Marina was to see him or hear his voice on the telephone.
Mr. Liebeler.
You and your wife were separated at that time?
Mr. Paine.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you tell us approximately when you were first separated?
Mr. Paine.
Oh, we have been living apart about a year, I suppose .
Mr. Liebeler.
At that time, you mean in October?
Mr. Paine.
It had been a year; yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
So it would have been in October of 1962?
Mr. Paine.
Yes; I guess it was.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you living in Grand Prairie?
Mr. Paine.
Mr. Liebeler.
How often would you visit your wife during the period that you were separated particularly during the period of September-October?
Mr. Paine.
Well, as I say it was 2 nights a week, 2 evenings a week was a regular thing, and I would frequently come around weekends. The garage had been my shop, with my tools that I occasionally used and I would stop by on weekends, on Sunday anyways, Friday for sure, Sunday accidentally generally, I think, on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Mr. Liebeler.
When you came to the house did you stay there overnight or did you just come----
Mr. Paine.
No; I would just stay for supper in the evening.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you were residing entirely, spending your evenings in your own apartment in Grand Prairie during this period of time?
Mr. Paine.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you recall that your wife went on a trip to the eastern part of the United States in the fall of 1963, summer-fall of 1963?
Mr. Paine.
It was mostly the summer. She went about July and she spent a couple of months, the end of July, I think.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know approximately when she got back to Irving?
Mr. Paine.
Well, I think she came by around September 24 is the date, I don't remember whether that was the date she arrived in New Orleans or the date she arrived at Irving.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now, after she did return to Irving, and as you said brought Marina and the child with her, do you recall whether she also brought Oswald's personal and household effects?
Mr. Paine.
Yes; I do remember she asked me to unpack or take some of the heavy things out of the car. I think that was only dufflebags but whatever it was it was so easy, I didn't really notice what it was to take out.
Mr. Liebeler.
That was shortly after she returned from her trip?
Mr. Paine.
That would suggest either the same day or the next day.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Paine.
Go ahead.
Mr. Liebeler.
Go ahead.
Mr. Paine.
I was thinking it would be much better to get, if it is important at all, to, she probably remembers these dates exactly and we could judge that I would be there. It happened the 24th was a Friday. If that was the date she got back, then I would know that I arrived the date they came back.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now, did you ever have occasion to go into the garage toward the end of September after your wife had returned for any reason?
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