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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 461« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Michael R. Paine)

Mr. Liebeler.
were in the garage when you last saw them and tell us when you last saw them?
Mr. Paine.
I saw them quite recently, 2 weeks ago.
Mr. Liebeler.
How many curtain rods were there then?
Mr. Paine.
There might be as many as four.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were there ever any more than that?
Mr. Paine.
I don't believe so. These were normally up on the shelf above the bench, and for some reason, they recently, I had to take them down, or something like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember seeing them shortly before November 22 at any time?
Mr. Paine.
They never particularly impressed themselves on my recollection.
Mr. Liebeler.
Those are all the questions I have.

Raymond Franklin Krystinik

Testimony of Raymond Franklin Krystinik

The testimony of Raymond Franklin Krystinik was taken at 9 a.m., on March 24, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Messrs. Albert E. Jenner, Jr. and Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Liebeler.
Will you rise and raise your right hand? Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Krystinik.
I do.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Krystinik, I am a member of the legal staff of the President's Commission which has been established pursuant to Executive Order 11130, dated November 29, 1963.
Last week Mr. Rankin sent you a letter and told you that I would be in touch with you, did he not?
Mr. Krystinik.
Mr. Liebeler.
Enclosed with that letter were copies of the Executive Order 11130, and a copy of the Joint Resolution of Congress 137, and the rules of the Commission's procedure in taking the testimony.
Mr. Krystinik.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
You received those documents?
Mr. Krystinik.
Mr. Liebeler.
The general nature of our inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.
We wish to inquire of you as to your knowledge of Oswald as a result of your having met him, as we understand it, through Michael Paine prior to the assassination. We also want to question you about some of the events that occurred shortly after the assassination, and some conversation you had with Mr. Paine at that time.
Would you state your name for the record?
Mr. Krystinik.
Raymond Franklin Krystinik.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where do you live?
Mr. Krystinik.
2121 Greenway Street, Arlington, Tex.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where do you work?
Mr. Krystinik.
Bell Helicopter Research Laboratory, located at 33006 Avenue E, East, Arlington, Tex. It is a part of Bell Helicopter Co. Their address is Box 482, Fort Worth, Tex.
Mr. Liebeler.
How long have you worked for Bell?
Mr. Krystinik.
Since June 6, 1960.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you tell us briefly what your educational background is, Mr. Krystinik?
Mr. Krystinik.
I started grade school in Caldwell, Tex. I moved to Bryan and finished grade school in the Smetana School at Bryan, Tex. And from there to Fredericksburg. At Fredericksburg I went to St. Mary's Catholic
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