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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 56« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Samuel B. Ballen)

Mr. Ballen.
Rags and Chris Bogoiavlensky-Kearton. And the De Mohrenschildts call them Buggers.
Mr. Liebeler.
You Say that Rags and Chris stayed at your house for a period of time?
Mr. Ballen.
Mr. Liebeler.
How long, approximately?
Mr. Ballen.
About 2 weeks.
Mr. Liebeler.
They originally resided in Anchorage, Alaska, is that correct?
Mr. Ballen.
Well, that is where they formerly resided; yes.
Mr. Liebeler.
Have they permanently moved from Anchorage?
Mr. Ballen.
Your guess is as good as mine is. I received a letter from him this morning. They are in Philadelphia on their way to New York.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know whether or not these two people, Rags and Chris, ever knew Lee Harvey Oswald or Marina Oswald?
Mr. Ballen.
They say they had not, and in thinking through the chronology of events, I am satisfied that they did not. There was some confusion in my mind in my interview with the FBI about the individual who Rags and Chris did know, and whom they went out of their way to try to help.
They drove him to east Texas once and to a timber farm.
Mr. Liebeler.
Was this the other person whom you described a little while back as another stray dog?
Mr. Ballen.
Mr. Liebeler.
While Rags and Chris stayed at your house, did you have any discussions with them as to what the De Mohrenschildts had said about the assassination?
Mr. Ballen.
They were very upset that George and Jeanne were publicly stating in Port-an-Prince that the FBI had assassinated Kennedy, and that Oswald was a patsy, and we were very upset because they apparently had no basis for such a statement, and it wasn't very wise for them to be banding about.
Mr. Liebeler.
Am I correct in understanding you to say that Rags and Chris reported to you that De Mohrenschildt and his wife were saying publicly in Port- au-Prince that the FBI was responsible for the assassination of Kennedy and Oswald was a patsy?
Mr. Ball.
They told me that they stated that at a reception for members of the Foreign Diplomatic Corps in Port-au-Prince.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you when that reception was?
Mr. Ball.
It would have been while Chris and Rags were in Haiti.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Rags and Chris tell you they heard De Mohrenschildt make this remark?
Mr. Ballen.
That was the impression I had, but I couldn't answer your question directly.
Mr. Liebeler.
Will you fix for me more specifically, if you can, the dates that Rags and Chris were in Port-au-Prince?
Mr. Ballen.
This is March. I believe that Rags and Chris came through my house possibly the first week of December 1963. They stayed at my house one night. We had quite a bit of snow that night. They had come through in a mad rush from Alaska. They left Florida for Haiti, and they left Haiti about a week prior to showing up at my house.
Mr. Liebeler.
When did they show up at your house again for the second time?
Mr. Ballen.
They left my house 2 Sundays ago, and they would have been at my house a total of 2 weeks. They would have arrived at my house at about March 2, something like that. They would have arrived at my house March 1, and left March 15, more or less.
Mr. Liebeler.
Will you state for us, as best you can recall, the conversations that you had with Rags and Chris concerning these remarks allegedly made by De Mohrenschildt while they stayed at your house.
Mr. Ballen.
This information was brought to me by Rags and Chris that they were very much upset about it. And I told Rags that probably all of George's mail was being intercepted in and out, and that I felt that sooner or later he would be called before the Warren Commission.
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