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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 61« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lydia Dymitruk)

Mrs. Dymitruk.
How long I'm in Fort Worth?
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Let me see--I think it was from August.
Mr. Jenner.
Of what year?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Last year.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. And where have you resided prior to August 1962?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
Where? You came to Fort Worth in August 1962, did you say?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yeah; yeah.
Mr. Jenner.
From where?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
From Dallas.
Mr. Jenner.
From Dallas?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
You had been a resident of Dallas up to that time?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
How long had you been a resident of Dallas?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Oh, about 4 years--and 3, 4 months.
Mr. Jenner.
And from where had you come when you came to Dallas?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
From Belgium--Brussels.
Mr. Jenner.
Are you a native of Belgium?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes, sir; I am a citizen of Belgium.
Mr. Jenner.
You are a citizen----
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Born in Soviet Union.
Mr. Jenner.
I might occasionally have to ask what might be considered personal questions but I'm not merely curious--I'm seeking information.
Mrs. Dymitruk.
That's okay.
Mr. Jenner.
What is your age?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
Thirty-seven. Are you married?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
No, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Have you ever been married?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
In this country or in Belgium or in Russia?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
I was married in Belgium.
Mr. Jenner.
Married in Belgium?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
Did your husband come with you to this country?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
He came first to United States, and I came afterward.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Tell me how and the circumstances of your coming from Russia, where you were born, to Belgium.
Mrs. Dymitruk.
In 1942, we were kidnaped from the Germans during the war and brought to Germany--Dusseldorf.
Mr. Jenner.
Was this your parents and you?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
No; just sister--an older sister and I and that's all. We are separated from the family.
Mr. Jenner.
And the German Army took you to Dusseldorf?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
And then you were freed by the advancing Allied armies, essentially?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
The Americans.
Mr. Jenner.
The Americans?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
And you and your sister went to Belgium, did you?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes; 1945. After the war.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, my arithmetic is very bad. How old were you then?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
In 1945?
Mr. Jenner.
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