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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 78« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Gary E. Taylor)

Mr. Taylor.
I don't remember but very sketchily what went on that afternoon. There's a number of questions in my mind about what preceded--I mean, Mrs. Oswald----
Mr. Jenner.
Will you please state them and where you are stating a question in your mind as distinct from something that was said----
Mr. Taylor.
Well, I will come to that. I was only trying to establish a general vagueness of recollection of the afternoon. Mrs. Oswald left shortly after I arrived.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, you mean Marguerite?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; Lee's mother.
Mr. Jenner.
Have you ever seen her other than on this short visit?
Mr. Taylor.
Not except in news media. Never in person other than that one afternoon.
Mr. Jenner.
And you've had no contact with her directly since this particular occasion you are now relating?
Mr. Taylor.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
And the news media to which you refer is news media activities subsequent to November 22, 1963?
Mr. Taylor.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
She was just there for about 5 minutes?
Mr. Taylor.
Less than 45 minutes, I would say.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you have an opportunity to form an impression of her in those few minutes?
Mr. Taylor.
I just have a vague recollection of a somewhat plump woman who seemed to be---uh--out of place in the present crowd that was there that afternoon. And she didn't seem to be particularly interested in anything that went on--and I think that's what prompted her to leave.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you have an opportunity to observe and form an opinion from those observations as to the attitude between Lee Oswald and Marguerite?
Mr. Taylor.
I would say that it was one of estrangement between them; that they had very little communication between them; that they were almost strangers---and possibly even didn't like each other. Particularly on Lee's part, I should think.
Mr. Jenner.
That was your impression?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
And this was, again, September of 1962---did you say?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. September 1962. Okay--I've got myself oriented. Go ahead.
Mr. Taylor.
And that we talked generally about some of the things that--- uh---some of Lee's observations about Russia.
Mr. Jenner.
Did he speak in English or Russian?
Mr. Taylor.
He spoke in English when talking to my wife of that time or I; and quite often in Russian--as I believe everyone in the room spoke Russian except my wife, myself, and John Hall. I'm not sure if John Hall spoke Russian or not--but certainly both the De Mohrenschildts, and George Bouhe does.
Mr. Jenner.
George Bouhe, beth of the De Mohrenschildts--your mother-in-law and father-in-law and both the Oswalds--Lee and Marina?
Mr. Taylor.
That's right. In addition to that, there was Mrs. Hall.
Mr. Jenner.
And Mrs. Hall also spoke Russian?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
Neither you nor your then wife spoke Russian?
Mr. Taylor.
She had a knowledge of Russian but certainly not enough to converse with them. She could understand some Russian when it was spoken to her, but could not speak but just a few words.
Mr. Jenner.
Could she follow a normal conversation between two others who were speaking so each could understand the other, but not any attempt to slow down and what-not in order to enable her to try and pick up?

Mr. TAYLOR. I imagine they would have had to have spoken very plainly and slowly and using simple words for her to have understood any of it.
Mr. Jenner.
I believe I interrupted you at a point where you stated that you talked generally about some of Lee's experiences and observations about Russia.
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