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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 99« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Gary E. Taylor)

Mr. Taylor.
works, be able to make an awful lot of money and he must have money because they--Ragnar and Chris--honeymooned on a yacht that he owned, and to my knowledge, since he has not worked--which is a period of 2 years.
Mr. Jenner.
Does George De Mohrenschildt have a brother?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
What's his name?
Mr. Taylor.
Uh--he uses George De Mohrenschildt's original name of Von Mohrenschildt. He is a professor at an ivy league university--Cambridge, I think.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, Cambridge would be Harvard. What about Princeton? What about Dartmouth? Columbia? Brown? Cornell?
Mr. Taylor.
At the moment, I don't remember. I should remember.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you ever meet him?
Mr. Taylor.
I never met him. I believe I talked to him on the telephone. He passed through Dallas and called. I just talked to him briefly on the telephone.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, give me your impression of De Mohrenschildt. First, describe him. What kind of personality is he?
Mr. Taylor.
Uh--he is a rather overbearing personality; somewhat boisterous in nature and easily changeable moods--anywhere from extreme friendliness to downright dislike just like turning on and off a light.
Mr. Jenner.
What about his physical characteristics? Large, small, handsome, or otherwise?
Mr. Taylor.
He's a large man, in height he's only about 6'2" but he's a very powerfully built man, like a boxer.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Taylor.
He is athletic. And he has a very big chest, which makes him appear to be very much bigger than he actually is.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, Mr. Taylor, do you know Mr. Liebeler? Mr. Liebeler is a member of the staff.
Mr. Taylor.
I don't believe I do. My letter told me that he would contact me.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Give me a little more about the personality of George De Mohrenschildt's--and I think I'm about ready to let you go home.
Mr. Taylor.
I would say that he has an inflammable personality. And he's very likable, when he wants to be, and he oftentimes uses this to get something he wants, put a person in a good mood and then, by doing this, he tries to then drag whatever it is that he wants out of them.
Mr. Jenner.
Is he unconventional?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; I would say that they lead a somewhat Bohemian life. The furnishings in their home somewhat show this.
Mr. Jenner.
Is he unconventional in dress?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; oftentimes wearing merely bathing trunks, and things like this, that--for a man of his age, which is about 50 to 52---is a little unusual.
Mr. Jenner.
You mean out on the street?
Mr. Taylor.
On the street, as a constant apparel.
He does not often work. In fact, during the times that I was married to his daughter, I have not known of him to hold any kind of a position for which he received monetary remuneration. So, as a result, why, he could spend his time at his favorite sport, which is tennis. And this could be in 32 degrees weather in the bathing shorts I mentioned--only.
Mr. Jenner.
On any time during the week?
Mr. Taylor.
Any time during the week. They have always owned convertibles and they would ride in them in all kinds of weather with the top down. They are very active, outdoor sort of people.
Mr. Jenner.
When you say "they," you mean he and his present wife?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; uh-huh.
Mr. Jenner.
Is she unconventional at times in her attire in the respects you have indicated in regards to him?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; very similar.
Mr. Jenner.
She, likewise, wears a bathing suit out on the street, does she?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; quite a bit. And usually a Bikini.
Mr. Jenner.
What about his political philosophy?
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