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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 692« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt)

Mr. Shaneyfelt.
is a part of the headline, and the bottom of the "W" of the word "War," and based on these characteristics, it is my opinion that one of the newspapers being held by Oswald in Commission Exhibit No. 133-A is the March 24, 1963, issue of the Worker which is the same issue as Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 21.
Mr. Redlich.
Referring now, Mr. Shaneyfelt, to the letter which has been designated as Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 22, this letter indicates the mailing dates and the approximate dates when these publications were received in Dallas.
As I understand it, you did not take part in the investigation which led to that aspect of the letter which has been designated as Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 22?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is correct. That investigation was done by agents in our Dallas and other field offices.
Mr. Redlich.
I would like to read into the record at this time the following paragraph from the letter which has been designated as Shaneyfelt Exhibit. No. 22:
"It has been determined that the March 24, 1963 issue of 'The Worker, was mailed on March 21, 1963 by second-class mail. It was also determined that the March 11, 1963 issue of 'The Militant' was mailed on March 7, 1963 by second class mail. Representatives of the U.S. Post Office in New York City have advised that the above newspapers transmitted by second class mail would take from six to seven days to arrive in Dallas, Texas, under ordinary delivery conditions."
The record will show that during the course of her testimony, Mrs. Marina Oswald identified Commission Exhibit No. 2 as a photograph which she believed planning for the

to have been taken by her husband in connection with his attack on Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, which occurred on April 10, 1963.
The record will also show that investigation has established that Commission Exhibit No. 2 is a photograph of an alley running behind the house of General Walker through which cars are able to drive into the parking lot of a church adjacent to General Walker's house.
It has also been established in prior investigation that the driveway running off this alley to the left, as one looks at the photograph, is the driveway of General Walker's house.
Investigation has also established the approximate date on which this photograph was taken by reference to the construction work being performed on the large building appearing in the background of this photograph.
Mr. Shaneyfelt, the Commission asked the FBI to examine this photograph for the additional purpose of determining, if possible, the camera which used to take .the photograph. Did you perform this investigation for the FBI ?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Yes; I did.
(Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 23 was marked and introduced.)
Mr. Redlich.
I introduce into the record at this time an exhibit designated as Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 23, consisting of two photographs, and I ask you to describe the photographs and the results of your investigation undertaken pursuant to the Commission's request.
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 23 consists of two photographs, and B. Photograph A is an enlargement of Commission Exhibit No. 2 which is the photograph of the alley in back of the Walker residence.
Photograph B on Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 23 is an enlargement of a negative which has previously been designated as Commission Exhibit No. 752 that I personally exposed in the Duo Flex camera obtained from Oswald's possessions which has previously been designated as Commission Exhibit No. 750.
This examination was based on the shadowgraph of the picture area of the camera exposed on to the negative. This shadowgraph shows the imperfections and nicks, etc., along the edges of the picture area of the camera that are individual and distinctive to that particular camera, and would not be duplicated in any other camera.
Mr. Redlich.
Before you proceed to the specific points of reference, Mr. Shaneyfelt, in your prior testimony you advised the Commission, that mission Exhibit No. 133-B, which is a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle, but in a slightly different pose from Commission Exhibit No. 133-A; that
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