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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 317« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Katherine Ford)

Mr. Liebeler.
Has Marina discussed with you the questions that the FBI has been asking her?
Mrs. Ford.
No; except this particular Mexican trip.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she tell you anything about the details of that trip?
Mrs. Ford.
On that trip--she did not go into details of the trip; but certain things about--she asked Lee to bring her a bracelet and he didn't, things like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she say anything about a desire that Lee Oswald had to go to Cuba?
Mrs. Ford.
Well, this is something that she talked about but I don't remember how--she said he wanted to actually go to Cuba. He wanted to get a visa to go to Russia but he would go to Russia by the way of Cuba, and she thought that he would stay in Cuba and not go to Russia.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina tell you what she was supposed to do when Oswald was in Cuba.
Mrs. Ford.
Frankly, I don't know. I know that subject was discussed one time but I either had to go diaper the baby or something. I just cannot say--I know she tried to talk on this subject to Mr. Levine once and she explained it. It was a rather complicated sort of a thing and I cannot explain it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she express any fears that Oswald was going to leave her and go to Cuba and abandon her.
Mrs. Ford.
There was a possibility--something she would stay here or something, and for a while, and we were asking her well, how did she intend to live while he was gone, and she thought, well, she said, well, Lee said, "You have a lot of Russian friends and they will help you," while he is not here, that was the conversation.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Marina ever speak of any plans that Oswald had to hijack an airplane and go to Cuba?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; she said something like that.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did she say?
Mrs. Ford.
Well, that was again, I believe she was discussing with Mr. Levine at the time about this Cuba and this airplane. It is again complicated, I don't think I can say it to make sense, somehow that he had to go, had to have enough gasoline or something to go there, not to make a stop anywhere. I could not say it to make any sense. I know she was talking about it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever talk to Robert Oswald about the assassination?
Mrs. Ford.
No; we--we never discussed it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Robert Oswald never expressed to you any thoughts that he had on Lee Oswald's guilt or innocence?
Mrs. Ford.
I understand he didn't like the cover of Life magazine and I was rather surprised because it was in my mind like it seems there is no question. Nobody knows very sure but I feel like it was Lee that did it. And he was rather angry about the statement there that it was a gun with which the President was killed, and he was rather angry about that cover, and that is why I thought that maybe he didn't believe that Lee killed him.
Mr. Liebeler.
That is the only discussion you had with Robert Oswald?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; that is the only one, that is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
Have you talked to Marina about any rifle practice that Lee Oswald may have engaged in?
Mrs. Ford.
I didn't discuss it with him but she said that she didn't think that he went to a rifle practice. She told me that about a lot of things that people would say that it was not true, she thought that she didn't think it was true about Lee being at practice.
Mr. Liebeler.
In Grand Prairie you are referring to?
Mrs. Ford.
Yes; that is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
In Grand Prairie?
Mrs. Ford.
That is right. She didn't think he was doing that.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she say anything about him practicing with the rifle any place else?
Mrs. Ford.
No; she didn't.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did she mention that he had practiced with the rifle at Love Field?
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