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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 208« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of J. W. Fritz)

Mr. Fritz.
But my little office, a private office opens into a smaller hallway.
Mr. Ball.
Where was Oswald being kept before you got there, what room was Oswald in?
Mr. Fritz.
When I got there he was in the front interrogation room at the end of the little hall.
Mr. Baby.
Here is a map or a diagram drawn by Chief Curry. It is Commission Exhibit 701. Take a look at this, is that a diagram of the floor?
Mr. Fritz.
This would be my office right here.
Mr. Ball.
That would be the entry to the homicide and robbery?
Mr. Fritz.
Homicide and robbery bureau.
Mr. Ball.
This is your office?
Mr. Fritz.
My office opens right here.
Mr. Ball.
Off of the hall?
Mr. Fritz.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Off the homicide and robbery?
Mr. Fritz.
Yes; there should be another line, wait just a minute. There is a little mistake right here, would it be all right if I correct it?
Mr. Ball.
Go ahead and correct it, your office is farther back from the hall, isn't it?
Mr. Fritz.
You see this, coming up from the hall, down at this end the administrative office, the chief's office, and the dispatcher's office over here, and over here is the chief's office back here, here are some assistant chiefs all along here, and in this corner. Now, in coming down this hall, this is open right in here that makes a square that goes into the other building in city hall, and this comes to the elevators, the elevators are right here.
Now then, right here in this little jail office, a little small office for the jail elevators right here, and two toilets right here. Now then, this should have a hallway in here like that, beginning right here.
Mr. Ball.
You are adding to Chief Curry's map showing a little hallway?
Mr. Fritz.
That is right. This is the lieutenant's office right here.
Mr. Ball.
You are marking "Lieutenant's office."
Mr. Fritz.
Yes, sir; and that is his--that is placed there just like my office is, and right at the end of this hall, right here, using a little part of that probably, but in there is a little conference room right in here which comes clear across here.
Here, I have a desk, a metal desk with all the records, daily record, the working records stacked right on here for the benefit of the officers who work in this squadroom right here with these desks.
Mr. Ball.
Where is the door to your office?
Mr. Fritz.
Here is the door to my office right here.
Mr. Ball.
Mark that, please. Show me where Oswald was kept.
Mr. Fritz.
In this little place right here.
Mr. Ball.
Put a big X there where Oswald was kept.
Mr. Fritz.
At first?
Mr. Ball.
At first.
Mr. Fritz.
He was there when I came in. We didn't keep him there long.
Mr. Ball.
That was only a few steps from your office?
Mr. Fritz.
Only a few steps. That is where he was when I came into the office.
Mr. Ball.
In the room marked "X" on this Exhibit No. 701 is where he was?
Mr. Fritz.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
After a few moments you had him come in, in a little while, to your office?
Mr. Fritz.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Do you have that in time when he came into your office?
Mr. Fritz.
The chief's map would have been, I could have made this better if I had used the chief's map and put the lieutenant's office over here.
Mr. Ball.
Don't worry about it. That is close enough. We have him from X which is the conference room into your office.
Mr. Fritz.
Yes; my desk is right here and I sit behind it right here and there are some chairs and telephone table right here and I had him sitting in a chair, right here.
Mr. Ball.
Right beside you?
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