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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 429« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Alan Surrey)

Mr. Surrey.
Mr. Bryan Snyder is chairman of the board. Mr. Emil Borak is president, and Mr. Lewis C. Owens is treasurer. I believe some stock is held by Oliver Snyder, and I have some stock. And Mr. Fallon Snyder.
The Chairman.
It is a commercial company?
Mr. Surrey.
Yes; it is.
The Chairman.
Is General Walker connected with it?
Mr. Surrey.
No; he is not.
The Chairman.
Or with the other people, as far as you know?
Mr. Surrey.
No, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Is Mr. Borak the general manager of the plant itself?
Mr. Surrey.
No; he is president of the company.
Mr. Jenner.
I see. Who is the general manager of the plant?
Mr. Surrey.
Mr. Owens.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Owens.
Did you acquaint Mr. Owens or Mr. Borak, either of them, with the fact that you had Commission Exhibit No. 996 printed at the Lettercraft Printing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you make either or both of them aware of the fact that some of the copy or all of the copy with respect to Commission Exhibit No. 996 was prepared by way of printing at Johnson Printing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
How many printers do you have at Johnson Printing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
How many employees?
Mr. Jenner.
No---that operate linotypes or operate these machines that produce these slugs--what is the name of that kind of machine?
Mr. Surrey.
Well, it would be a monotype or a linotype or a Ludlow.
Mr. Jenner.
Are these lines on Exhibit No. 996 Ludlow productions?
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
Who are the Ludlow machine operators at Johnson Printing Co.?
Mr. Surrey.
Oh, I would say there are probably 10 or 15 that operate the Ludlow machine.
Mr. Jenner.
Does your recollection serve you to name those who operated the Ludlow machines any time during the first 22 days of November 1963? If so, name them.
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
Are you able to name any of the linotype operators who were employed during the first 22 days of November 1963?
Mr. Surrey.
Who were employed at Johnson Printing Co.?
Mr. Jenner.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Surrey.
Well, I gather this has nothing to do with this. So may I answer?
Mr. Jenner.
I don't want to lead you to believe it doesn't, sir.
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the ground it may incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
From whom was the paper purchased on which appears the imprinting on the exhibit identified here as Commission Exhibit No. 996.
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the same grounds.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you see another reproduction of Commission Exhibit No. 996 at any time from the 1st of November 1963 to and including the 22d of November 1963?
Mr. Surrey.
I decline to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Chief Justice, I will now depart from this particular phase, if that is permissible.
The Chairman.
Very well.
Mr. Jenner.
I am now going to turn, Mr. Surrey, to the attempt on the life of General Walker.
First I would like to have you examine a series of photographs which purport to be photographs of the area of the Walker house.
Mr. Chief Justice, may I approach the witness for this purpose?
The Chairman.
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