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Warren Commission Report: Page 841« Previous | Next »


772. 4 H 451 (James P. Hosty); 3 H 18,
103-104 (Ruth Paine).
773. 1 H 48 (Marina Oswald); 3 H
99 (R. Paine).
774. 1 H 48 (Marina Oswald).
775. Ibid.
776. See generally CE 1135, 1141, 1150,
1152, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162. 1163,
1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, see CE 1169.
777. 1 H 82-83 (Marina Oswald).
778. CE 1148, 1149, 1155.
779. CE 1169, 1 H 62 (Marina Oswald).
780. 10 H 230 (Chester A. Riggs, Jr.);
CE 1160; 10 H 237-241 (Mrs. Mahlon
Tobias); CE 1133, 1134; 11 H 155
(M. Waldo George); 10 H 265 (Mrs. Jesse
Garner); CE 1139; see 1 H 10 (Marina Oswald) see CE 1160.
781. 11 H 140-141 (Mrs. Donald Gibson); 2 H 470-472 (R. Paine); 9 H 225
226 (G. De Mohrenschildt), 308 (J. De Mohrenschildt), 77 (Gary E. Taylor); 1 H
134-135 (Marquerite Oswald).
782. See app. XIII, pp. 713-715.
783. 1 H 7-8 (Marina Oswald); 8 H
394-395 (Elena Hall): 11 H 120 (Alexander Kleinlerer).
784. 2 H 299, 304 (Katherine Ford);
8 H 386--387 (Anna N. Meller); 1 H 11-12
(Marina Oswald); 8 H 416 (Valentina
785. 10 H 288-290 (Colin Barnhorst):
id. at 281-283 (Richard L. Hulen): CE
1160, p. 3; 10 H 307 lA. C. Johnson): 6 H
401-402 (Mary Bledsoe); cf. CE 1166. p. 3.
786. 8 H 133---135, 138-139 (Lillian
Murret); 2 H 459-468 (R. Paine).
787. 3 H 9, 12-13. 18, 32, 39-41 (R.
Paine): 1 H 26, 51, 53-55, 79 (Marina
Oswald); 2 H 217 (Buell W. Frazier).
788. 1 H 8 (Marina Oswald); 8 H 394
(E. Hall); 2 H 299 (Katherine Ford): 3
9 (R. Paine).
789. 3 H 93 (R. Paine); 1 H 62, 69, 70
(Marina Oswald); 1 H 134 (Marguerite
Oswald): see e.g., I H 134 (Marguerite
Oswald): 1 H 6 (Marina Oswald); see
also note 304. supra. Oswald purchased
a TV set on credit, but it was returned
without any payment having been made on it; CE 1165, pp. 17-21: CE 1167, pp. 490- 495; 11 H 210 (Albert F. Staples): 9 H 360, 361,362, 363 (R. Paine).
790. 1 H 135-136 (Marguerite Oswald): 8 H 372-373 (Bouhe), 382 (Meller), 394 (E. Hall): 9 H 324-325 (J. De Mohrenschildt); 11 H 119 (Kleinlerer): see also
9 H 66-68 (Dymitruk); 8 H 410 (V. Ray).
791. 2 H 487 (R. Paine): 1 H 35
Marina Oswald); S H 153 (L. Murret): 8 H 418 (V. Ray).
792. E.g., 1 H 5, 5 H 416 (Marina Oswald).
793. 1 H 134 (Marguerite Oswald). 794. 2 H 217 (B. W. Frazier).
795. 11 H 171 (William K. Stuckey): 8 H 133, 135, 148 (L. Murret), 193 (John Murret); CE 146, 148, 149, 150. 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163.
796. 9 H 144 (Paul Gregory).
797. 1 H 134-135 (Marguerite Oswald): 1 H 7; 8 H 382-385 (A. Meller); 8 H 393-394 (E. Hall): 8 H 416 (V. Ray); 8 H 372 373 (Bouhe); see 9 H 144 (Paul Gregory); cf. 8 H 369 (Bouhe); id. at 387 (Meller).
798. 1 H 69-74) (Marina Oswald). 799. 1 H 318 (R. Oswald). 800. CE 1138, pp. 11-12.
801. I H 30 (Marina Oswald).
802. 7 H 376 (Heinz W. Michaelis): Michaelis DE 2: CE 1137: see app. XIV, p. 743.
803. CE 1410, 1411.


804. 10 H 64 66 (C. Steele, Jr.). It is
not known whether the second person who
assisted Oswald was also paid by him. CE
2216: see generally, note 434, supra.
805. See app. XIV, p. 744.
806. 2 H 468-469; 9 H 343 (R. Paine):
1 H 19 (Marina Oswald). 807. 3 H 9-12 (R. Paine).
808. 8 H 186-187 (Charles Murret).
809. 1 H 27 (Marina Oswald): CE 2131, 2476; see app. XIII, p. 731.
810. See app. XIII, pp. 730 736 app. XIV, p. 745.
811. 10 H 334-336, 340 (Leonard A. Hutchison ).
812. CE 3121; CE 1165, pp. 5-6; 1 H 58 (Marina Oswald), CE 3129, p. 4
813. 10 H 328-333, 340 (Hutchison). 814. 11 H 155 (R. Paine), 290-291 (Marina Oswald); 10 H 296 (Mrs. A. C. Johnson); 6 H 404--405 (Mary Bledsoe): CE 2454, pp. 2-4.
815. CE 2789, pp. 630-631.
816. 10 H 328-329, 336-338 (Hutchison); but see CE 2789, pp. 629 630.
817. Note 814, supra: 2 H 213, 222-225 (B. W. Frazier); 10 H 328 (Hutchison): see CE 3129, p, 6.
818. 10 H 328, 338 (Hutchison).
819. CE 3129, p. 1; see also 1 H 58 (Marina Oswald).
820. Compare. 10 H 338 (Hutchison) with CE 1132; I H 348 (R. Oswald).
821. 10 H 414-415. 422-423 (L. Wilcox).
822. 11 H 315-318 (Robert G. Fenley). 311-312 (C. A. Hamblen); Wilcox DE 3005. Hamblen repeated the story to a second journalist the following day, 11 H 316 (Fenley).
823. Wilcox DE 3005; see also Wilcox
DE 3007:11 H 312 (Hamblen): 10 H
415-417 (L. Wilcox).
824. 11 H 311-314 (Hamblen).
825. 11 H 318-325 1A. Lewis): Wilcox DE 3006; 10 H 417-421 (L. Wilcox).
826. Wilcox DE 3008; 10 H 412-413 (Semingsen), 423 (L. Wilcox).
827. 10 H 419-425 (L. Wilcox). 407-413 (Semingsen): Semingsen DE 3001.
828. 11 H 313 (Hamblen); 10 H 424 (L. Wilcox), 412 (Semingsen).
829. 10 H 424 (L. Wilcox), 412-413 (Semingsen).
830. See 13 H 436 (Curtis LaVerne
831. Crafard DE 5226, I}. 150; CE 2319.
832. Crafard DE 5226, pp. 147-148,
150: but see CE 2322.
833. CE 2270, 2291.
834. CE 1669.
835. CE 2265.
830. CE 2251.
837. CE 2269, 2288; see also CE 2319.
838. CE 2245.
839. Newnam DE 2: see also CE 2265.
840. Crafard DE 5226, p. 150; 15 H 323
(Eva L. Grant); 15 H 283 (Eileen
841. 15 H 626, 628 (Lawrence V.
Meyers), CE 1606, 2267.
842. CE 2259. 2274; 14 H 153 (Ralph Paul): C. Ray )fall DE 3, p. 3; 5 H 183
(Jack Ruby): CE 2405, p. 26. 843. CE 2434, 2435.
844. 15 H 629 (Meyers): CE 2268.
845. Id. at 627; 15 H 667 (Paul); see also CE 2266. 13 H 326 (Armstrong).
846. 15 H 183 (J. Ruby); C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 3.
847. Crafard DE 5226. p. 150.
848. Ibid.
849. 5 H 183 (J. Ruby); 13 H 330 (Armstrong);
C. Ray )fall DE 3, p. 4: CE 2436; see also 15 H 539
(John W. Newnam); CE 2438.

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