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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 109« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William D. , Jr. Crowe)

Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
As a matter of fact though, you did mention to Hoy, didn't you, that you thought you had seen Oswald in the club?
Mr. Crowe.
Not on that call.
Mr. Hubert.
You did not?
Mr. Crowe.
Not until after. I called after that. I talked to him about three or four times that day.
Mr. Hubert.
You mean you talked to him three or four times after the shooting of Oswald?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
The first call, therefore, within a couple of minutes after you heard the news on TV was simply to advise him that Oswald had been shot?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
And you did not at that time tell him that you thought you might have seen Oswald in the club?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
Your purpose, you stated, for calling Hoy the first time then was simply to advise him of a fact, to wit, that Oswald had been shot?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
Was it to advise him of the fact or to converse with him about it?
Mr. Crowe.
Well, him being a newsman you know call him and tell him about it if he hadn't heard about it already.
Mr. Hubert.
Didn't it occur to you that this news event was going all over the country simultaneously?
Mr. Crowe.
Well, I knew it was in Dallas but I didn't know whether it was in Evansville or not.
Mr. Hubert.
How do you know Hoy?
Mr. Crowe.
Whether he was watching it on television or whether he was even watching television.
Mr. Hubert.
How well do you know Hoy?
Mr. Crowe.
Very well.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you ever called him before to give him news of this sort?
Mr. Crowe.
No; I never had any news of this sort to give him.
Mr. Hubert.
Were you childhood friends or something of that sort?
Mr. Crowe.
No; I met him--I knew of him and he knew of me but we actually really first met about 1958, I suppose.
Mr. Hubert.
Are you quite certain that you did not speak to Hoy on the first call about your impression that Oswald might have been in the Carousel the week prior?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
So that it is possible that you may have told him that on the very first call?
Mr. Crowe.
No; I mean no, I had not mentioned that to him on the first call. I have heard David Hoy state to others in front of me that I was the one that called him to tell him about Jack Ruby and what he was like and working with him. But that is all he has ever said. He has never said that I had called him and told him that I had seen Oswald in the club the week before, because I hadn't. I hadn't mentioned that to him until later on in the afternoon.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you speak to a man by the name of Dale Burgess on that day who was with the radio station, I believe, or some news media in Evansville?
Mr. Crowe.
I don't recall the name. I spoke to a newspaper man in Evansville.
Mr. Hubert.
Who was that?
Mr. Crowe.
I don't recall.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Crowe.
That same Sunday.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember the time?
Mr. Crowe.
No; I don't. It would have had to have been, well, in the late afternoon, I guess.
Mr. Hubert.
Is Evansville on central standard time or eastern time?
Mr. Crowe.
Mr. Hubert.
What was the time of your second call to Mr. Hoy?
Mr. Crowe.
I don't remember.
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