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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 3« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Hyman Rubenstein)

Mr. Rubenstein.
Same business, ribbons.
Mr. Griffin.
Were these sold to floral customers?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Right. The same customers I had before.
Mr. Griffin.
When did you begin to work for the Davidson-Uphoff Co.?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Last month.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. So between approximately last January and last month or January 1963 and last month, you were employed for yourself, is that correct?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Rubenstein.
I mean because I haven't done much work since the incidents down in Dallas.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. When you were employed for yourself did you travel in any States other than Michigan?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Yes; Illinois and Wisconsin.
Mr. Griffin.
How much of your time was spent in each of those States?
Mr. Rubenstein.
For one trip complete? In other words, if I had to make a State complete time, how much time would I spend in that State?
Mr. Griffin.
In a typical 3-month period, for example.
Mr. Rubenstein.
I could cover a State in 3 months.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall where you were traveling in the fall of 1963, what State?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Yes; I had just come back from Michigan.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember when you began traveling in Michigan?
Mr. Rubenstein.
No; but I could have told you that if I had my records here.
Mr. Griffin.
I wanted to get a little background on yourself before we go into some general questions. You say you came to this country when you were about 2 1/2?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you come to Chicago?
Mr. Rubenstein.
I don't know. I don't think we did. I think, of course, I think we stopped off in New York, and then I think we came to Chicago. My father was here first.
Mr. Griffin.
How long was your father here?
Mr. Rubenstein.
He about a year.
Mr. Griffin.
And you say you are not sure where you came to. Did you have a permanent home any place before you moved to Chicago?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Mr. Griffin.
So your first permanent home in this country was in Chicago and I take it that would have been shortly after you arrived in the country?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you lived in Chicago all your life?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Except when I was in the service or where else, except when I travel but outside of--my voting is right here in Chicago, my voting residence.
Mr. Griffin.
When were you in military service?
Mr. Rubenstein.
From October 1942, until April 1943.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did you serve?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Fort Lewis, Wash.
Mr. Griffin.
Was that in the army?
Mr. Rubenstein.
In the army.
Mr. Griffin.
Is Fort Lewis near Seattle?
Mr. Rubenstein.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall a man when you were in the service by the name of Sloan, a man from Chicago by the name of Sloan?
Mr. Rubenstein.
What business was he in or what was he doing?
Mr. Griffin.
He would have been in the service out in Seattle, in the Washington area.
Mr. Rubenstein.
The name doesn't ring.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall if your brothers visited you at any time while you were in the service?
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