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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 341« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mrs. Grant.
finger on that asked, because with all the help, and it was something to do with his club. At least that is what it seems to me. In one of those conversations, either Friday or Saturday, he said, "You stay there until 9 o'clock." On Saturday night, it could not have been Larry, because when Jack came in the afternoon, he told me, "Guess what, Larry left me a note and took some money. He is mad at me." And I said, "Why?" He said, "Because I didn't leave him money, or something, I didn't buy dogfood."
He said, "Well, don't you take money," or something. I heard this. This is what Jack told me, something about dogfood. And I said, "Why did he leave?" He said, "Well, after we took the pictures, I told him I am going to be up, I feel good, I am going to go here," and Jack talked like that, and I do too. But instead of that, he went home, because this is the morning of the 23d after he was up all night. Well, I don't know if he slept, because he didn't get home till 2:30 or 3 or 4. He called Larry and got him out of bed, and they went to take the pictures, and took these pictures sometime.
Mr. Griffin.
This is something you didn't see?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
They told you? Jack told you all this when?
Mrs. Grant.
George told me.
Mr. Grant.
When did George tell you that?
Mrs. Grant.
Well, I don't know when I saw him. It was the next time, but I don't remember when I saw him. I didn't see him that Sunday, that I remember.
Mr. Griffin.
This was sometime after Oswald was shot?
Mrs. Grant.
Oh yes.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack tell you about this?
Mrs. Grant.
The pictures, I saw myself, three pictures.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, when Jack came up to your apartment Saturday afternoon, what did you spend most of your time doing? Talking, or watching television or what?
Mrs. Grant.
No; he didn't watch it at all. I know he didn't. In fact, he fell asleep for over an hour on my bed. This is the first time he has ever done that. He noticed I got a new spread a month and a half ago, and since it cost $20.50 apiece, I have twin beds, he didn't even pull the top down, and there is a big oil spot from his head, and I was going to give him hell on Sunday.
Mr. Griffin.
How long after he showed up at your place did he go in there and rest?
Mrs. Grant.
He came about 20 to 4. He was there almost to 8, or 10 after 8. It seems to me there were many hours. He talked and called Stanley and took the phone in the bedroom. He laid down, and then got up, and when he left, he told me he was going home to eat. I think he called George.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, Mrs. Grant, let's see, maybe we can pinpoint when he was sleeping there. How long after he woke up did he leave your apartment? About how much time elapsed?
Mrs. Grant.
Well, I would say maybe an hour. Maybe 40 minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
How long had he been in your apartment before he went to sleep?
Mrs. Grant.
A few hours.
Mr. Griffin.
Then he didn't sleep very long?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
How long would you say he slept?
Mrs. Grant.
I don't know. I think I actually fell asleep myself. I hadn't slept well for a couple of nights. Hadn't slept all Friday night, and neither did I sleep Saturday during the night, or either Thursday night. That was the reason I would take one of these pills.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, Mrs. Grant, if the other evidence showed that Jack arrived down at the Carousel Club about 11 o'clock--
Mrs. Grant.
The date?
Mr. Griffin.
Listen to me.
Mrs. Grant.
I don't know nothing about that.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, listen.
Mrs. Grant.
Can I catch you up a little before that?
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