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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 342« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mr. Burleson.
Let him ask qustions, and then you can fill it in.
Mr. Griffin.
Let me finish. If the evidence showed that he left and arrived down at the Carousel Club about 11 o'clock at night, and that he received a telephone call about money--
Mrs. Grant.
It could be.
Mr. Griffin.
At about 10:30 at night.
Mrs. Grant.
Not from my place.
Mr. Griffin.
It couldn't have been at your place?
Mrs. Grant.
No. Will you listen to me? Don't forget--Friday night we had all of the delicatessen stuff. This is Saturday. I did not make one thing. He asked me what I had got to eat. I said, "Same thing that you brought yesterday." That didn't satisfy him. This is in the back of my mind. He may have called his apartment and George was there, because he made calls. He wasn't home. I don't know where he was for 2 hours or 2 1/2 hours.
He was home, it seems to me, after 10. I would say 10:15. He said he took a shower and was getting dressed, and he made liver and onions, or liver. George had bought liver. Whether it was prepared before, or whether it was raw, and Jack had to fry it, I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you find out about that?
Mrs. Grant.
He was telling me, and he said, "Ask me what I ate?" I said "I don't feel like eating. I ate enough for six people, just little bites." And I said, "Did you eat?" And he said, "Yes George brought a lot of stuff." George is a Jewish housewife, in my estimation.
Jack called me from his house. He said he had liver. And he was very depressed, and he was droopy depressed. We get high and low, which you probably know. He was so low, I said, "Go see somebody." And he said, "I don't want to." And I said, "You are depressed. Go see somebody." Well, I don't know, I mean go see somebody that you like. Now, I didn't know this then. I did not know this Sunday. I found out maybe a week later or two, I don't know when. I found out he went to Bob Norton of the Pago-Pago Club.
Mr. Griffin.
How do you fix the time in which you told him to go see somebody?
Mrs. Grant.
After 10 o'clock.
Mr. Griffin.
How do you arrive at that?
Mrs. Grant.
Well, I knew it.
Mr. Griffin.
I mean, he was watching television. Was it getting late in the evening and he had been gone a couple of hours?
Mrs. Grant.
It wasn't after 11 o'clock, and it wasn't after 12 o'clock.
Mr. Griffin.
Could it have been as early as 9 o'clock?
Mrs. Grant.
You know, this sounds crazy. I think he went home and slept a little bit too. I think that is what he told me. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that he could have slept a little bit. And he is a very slow dresser. Anybody that probably can get dressed like in the Army, how they ever tolerated him, because it is hustle bustle, eager beaver--it could take him 3 hours shave and dress, the way he wants to look like, because he stops and make a phone call, but he was very slow.
Mr. Griffin.
Did Jack talk to you at all about Breck Wall that Saturday?
Mrs. Grant.
I think he made a call to him Friday. Was it?
Mr. Burleson.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he talk to you about Wall?
Mrs. Grant.
Mr. Griffin.
What did he say to you about Wall?
Mrs. Grant.
It seems to me he is out of town.
Mr. Burleson.
Can I give you some testimony. It might shed some light that might help her?
Mrs. Grant.
Let me explain this. In all sincerity, I am trying to remember. I have a good memory, but I have been sick, and I have been taking pills, and this is the thing that bothers me.
Mr. Burleson.
Let me say this into the record. I am sure the Commission knows Breck Wall is a client of mine who was running a show at the Adolphus
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