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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 151« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Paul Roderick Gregory)

Mr. Liebeler.
Did he come back with the schedule before or after the occasion on which you were driving in your car to TCU?
Mr. Gregory.
No; it seems the first evening I went over there he referred to the schedule.
Mr. Liebeler.
So, it was after that that he asked you during your drive whether you thought anybody would be present at TCU?
Mr. Gregory.
Mr. Liebeler.
Your first Russian lesson was approximately when?
Mr. Gregory.
I would say August 10. I would hit it within a week either way. All this time I thought he had his high school degree and I was encouraging him to go back. I said, "Why don't you?" And he used as an excuse that he had to work. And he never did tell me that he did not finish high school.
Mr. Liebeler.
Going back to the statements that he may have made about his activities in Russia, did he ever indicate to you in any way that he had a source of income in the Soviet Union other than the income he received from his job at the factory?
Mr. Gregory.
No; he never did. He always spoke as if he didn't have enough money over there but he never indicated another source of income.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you how much he was paid for his work at the factory?
Mr. Gregory.
He told, but I don't remember.
Mr. Liebeler.
Can you remember any discussions about his source of income and what he did with it? I know you cannot specifically remember the amount that he was paid.
Mr. Gregory.
No; the only discussion as to how he spent his money was the tremendous difficulty he had buying food and buying enough food. It seems to me as if the way he spoke, he spent all the money on food and he had several articles of clothing which he brought back with him, of which he seemed to be very proud.
I think he had a pair of boots or something like that, and he had a closet full of junk.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he ever show you his boots?
Mr. Gregory.
I think so.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember anything about them?
Mr. Gregory.
I am not positive about the boots. I remember he had one article of clothing which he showed me; said it was made in the Soviet Union, and he seemed to be proud of it. As I remember, it was boots.
Mr. Liebeler.
You have no other recollection about it than what you have just expressed?
Mr. Gregory.
No; I think a lot of his clothes were from the Soviet Union, but I can't identify the articles.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he ever mention anything about assistance he might have received from the Red Cross while he was in the Soviet Union?
Mr. Gregory.
No; the only financial spot which he mentioned to me was the money he got through the U.S. Ambassador to Russia.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did he tell you about that?
Mr. Gregory.
He just said he went in and told them he wanted to return, and the fellow gave him something like $300. And then after that, he spoke of his trip back. He went through Poland and East Germany.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you that he had stayed for a time in Moscow before leaving the Soviet Union to return?
Mr. Gregory.
The only time I know of his being in Moscow was when he was there at the very first as a tourist, and that is the only time I heard him mention being in Moscow.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you anything about any difficulties that he encountered in obtaining the necessary papers for him and Marina to return to the United States?
Mr. Gregory.
The only difficulties which I have heard are the difficulties I have already brought up about the pressure put on Marina. But as far as paperwork, I can't bring anything out specifically.
Mr. Liebeler.
He never mentioned any difficulty that he encountered with the U.S. authorities in that regard?
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