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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 107« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Seymour Weitzman)

Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; I scaled the wall and, apparently, my hands grabbed steampipes. I burned them.
Mr. Ball.
Did you go into the railroad yards?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
What did you notice in the railroad yards?
Mr. Weitzman.
We noticed numerous kinds of footprints that did not make sense because they were going different directions.
Mr. Ball.
Were there other people there besides you?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir; other officers, Secret Service as well, and somebody started, there was something red in the street and I went back over the wall and somebody brought me a piece of what he thought to be a firecracker and it turned out to be, I believe, I wouldn't quote this, but I turned it over to one of the Secret Service men and I told them it should go to the lab because it looked to me like human bone. I later found out it was supposedly a portion of the President's skull.
Mr. Ball.
That you picked up off the street?
Mr. Weitzman.
Mr. Ball.
What part of the street did you pick this up?
Mr. Weitzman.
As the President's car was going off, it would be on the left-hand side of the street. It would be the----
Mr. Ball.
The left-hand side facing----
Mr. Weitzman.
That would be the south side of the street.
Mr. Ball.
It was on the south side of the street. Was it in the street?
Mr. Weitzman.
It was in the street itself.
Mr. Ball.
On the pavement?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Anywhere near the curb?
Mr. Weitzman.
Approximately, oh, I would say 8 to 12 inches from the curb, something like that.
Mr. Ball.
Off the record.
(Off record discussion.)
Mr. Ball.
What did you do after that?
Mr. Weitzman.
After that, we entered the building and started to search floor to floor and we started on the first floor, second floor, third floor and on up, when we got up to the fifth or sixth floor, I forget, I believe it was the sixth floor, the chief deputy or whoever was in charge of the floor, I forget the officer's name, from the sheriff's office, said he wanted that floor torn apart. He wanted that gun and it was there somewhere, so myself and another officer from the sheriff's department, I can't remember his name, he and I proceeded until we----
Mr. Ball.
Was his name Boone?
Mr. Weitzman.
That is correct, Boone and I, and as he was looking over the rear section of the building, I would say the northwest corner, I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, "There it is" and he started hollering, "We got it." It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the building.
Mr. Ball.
Did you touch it?
Mr. Weitzman.
No, sir; we made a man-tight barricade until the crime lab came up and removed the gun itself.
Mr. Ball.
The crime lab from the Dallas Police Department?
Mr. Weitzman.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Lieutenant Day and Captain Fritz?
Mr. Weitzman.
I'm not sure what the lieutenant's name was, but I remember Captain Fritz.
Mr. Ball.
Did you see Captain Fritz remove anything from the gun?
Mr. Weitzman.
No, sir; I did not.
Mr. Ball.
What did you do after that?
Mr. Weitzman.
After that, I returned to my office and I was called down to the city that afternoon later to make a statement on what I had seen.
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